Chapter 2

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This was also the Caleb Rivers. There he was: leaned against the counter, a beer in his hand, his eyes still focused on me. And god yeah I totally understand now why every girl wanted something from him. He had short brown ruffled hair, and damn he was just attractive. He looked well-built of what I could see through his white shirt.

But what amazed me the most were still his eyes. Again, I got lost in his deep brown eyes.

"So Hanna, where are you going to school?" Emily asked. It was like her voice pulled me out of the big hole I fell in every time I looked into Calebs eyes.

I finally looked at her. "Rosewood high, actually." I could still feel Calebs gaze on me."Really? I never saw you around there, are you new or something?" Toby asked me. "No. I'm not."

"Someone is here for you, Em." Aria was leaned against the door frame her cute little smile on her lips. A beautiful blonde girl made her way into the room. Of course I knew who she was, everybody knew her. Alison Dilaurentis. Emilys face lited up like the sun when she saw her. She run over to her and hugged her tight. I watched how Toby rolled his eyes. Caleb just sat there, and drank his beer.

"Okay, right guys. I don't need to see you two having sex in my kitchen. Get a room, seriously." Aria joked.

And that's what they did. They giggled like little girls and left the kitchen. I was suprised, as far I knew Alison Dilaurentis was the queen of all queen bees at the school, everybody respected her.
I didn't even knew Alison was a friend of Aria and the others.

You guys have to know that not only one 'cool kids' clique in my school existed, but three. I'd for each one a name.

1. 'The (I'm-better-than-you-because-I've-those-shoes) bitch squad' Short: TBS.
Leader: Mona Vanderwaal
Members: Naomi,Leslie,Jane, Anna, and Vicky and Mona obviously.
They were some bitches who always had the need to bully someone.

2. 'The (we're-so-damn-cool-because-we're-smoking-on-the-school-roof) smoking kids'
Short: TSK.
Leaders: Noel Kahn and Alison Dilaurentis
Members: Sean Ackard, Ben Coogan, Cora Langson and Layla Miller.
Noel Kahn was just an asshole who didn't cared about anyone but him. But he was Alisons best friend. He also was the totally fuckboy, he hooked up with almost every girl from the cheerleader group, at least that's what I heard. Just let you know: There are 32 cheerleaders on our school.
I didn't knew him but I also didn't liked him, the same for the rest of his group.

'The (I've-no-idea-why-they're-in-the-cool-clique-ranking-list-but-they-seem-cool) cool kids'
Short: TCK
Leader: I don't know. It seems like they haven't one.
Members: Aria Montgomery, Caleb Rivers, Toby Cavanough and Emily Fields.

I know, I know this name was just lame but I didn't knew them, of course I didn't knew anybody like the TBS or TSK's as well but I always heard rumours about them. Everyday when I was at my locker some people talked about them. Mostly negative stuff. But about the TCK's I didn't knew anything really. I never heard storys about them, the only thing got to hear was how hot Caleb Rivers was and damn they were right..

Arias ringtone ripped me out of my thoughts. I looked behind me,  Caleb and Toby were laughing about someting and Aria stared at her phone. "Guys I've to meet- I'm away for the next two hours, okay?" Aria said. "Wait..what? really? You can't just leave your own Birthday party." Toby looked confused. "Please guys, I swear I'm back 12pm okay? Just keep an eye on Nick and Louis, if you see them smoking again you're allowed to kick them out. Oh and don't let Hanna alone, bye." And with that she was out of the room.

Caleb and Toby looked annoyed and I didn't knew what to do.

Were they annoyed because of me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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