Moving Day

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Life was moving up. After years of living alone and training constantly you finally graduated from the academy. You were finally an avenger and you were so hype.

Moving day was today. The day you would finally move in with your team mates. Nothing could possibly go wrong you thought as you carried one large box into the elevator. The elevator stopped on one of the floors and someone stepped in. You couldn't see their face past the box.

"Good morning," a man said, but you knew that voice. You would know it anywhere.

"Good morning Mr. Rogers," you said as you tried to be casual about things, but let's face it. Inside your inner fan girl was squealing.

"Please," he said laughing rather uncomfortably," It's just Steve."

"Ummmm sure thing just Steve," you said quoting him trying to lighten the mood. Your attempt at being casual was failing miserably. After the awkward laughter died down you wished you weren't on the elevator. Soon you were having little conversations with yourself in your mind.

Things bouncing off your brain like "I can't believe this" and "Steve super cute. Wait that's weird isn't it? He's like old enough to be my father like 4 times. Oh no wait, that's like vampire years. Vampire years don't count. Do they? Age doesn't matter with love anyway, but then again the government would strongly disagree." Suddenly something was breaking into your train of thought. A man was speaking to you.

"So how's moving in? Got your room all set up." That's when you realized. Crap has he been talking this whole time.

"Ummmm yeah moving is cool. Still got some boxes to unpack." You said in a rush realizing your inner monologue was making you looking like an ass whole.

"I'll take that if you don't mind." Steve said as he took the box from you.

"No that ok!" You shouted, but it was too late. The box fell out of your hands and spilled a few of its contents. A baby blue blanket was on the ground along with a few action figures and bib. You quickly dropped to the ground to retrieve what had fallen, but Steve beat you to them.

"I'm sorry about that." He said as he put the items back in the box.

"It's fine." You said as you grabbed the box from the floor just as the elevator stopped. You didn't even really give it time to open the doors before you bolted out. Shouting apologies and excuses over your shoulder. For once, that day you thanked the heavens for this giant, heavy box. Large enough in size to hide your reddening face from anyone who may see. You darted into your room and shut the door behind you. Finally you are safe with your thoughts and your locket.

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