The Predator

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     He watched her very inventively as she hiked up the rocky hill. The only reason why he was behind her is that if she fell, he would catch her, if something would come up from behind, he would kill it and eat it. Now what about if something came up in front of her and ate her? Well, in that case of scenario he would kill it, eat her, and then kill himself. Yup, he had everything all planed out.

     “Hey, D”, the young raven haired girl looked behind and down.

     At first D thought that his hand was bugging her. You know that hand on her ass cheek to “prevent her from falling”. He went to go retract it when she stopped him shaking her head.

     “It’s not your hand silly,” she smiled, “you’re kind of drooling on my butt…”

     D looked down at her nylon tights and did in fact see a little pool of saliva on her bum. He let out a sheepish “Sorry babe”, and continued holding her butt. He felt so weird calling her babe though. He wasn’t human, he ate anything with in a heartbeat, and he eats humans!

      Zombie maybe? Well, no. What people like to call D is a “Predator”. He developed a cannibal like disease a few years back. That’s when he met the love of his life, Care. Yes, care is her actual birth name and he loves saying it. Especially during sex…

     D shook his head and carried her on. However the first time they met still lingered his mind. This was the reason why he loved her.


     Screams filled the city as the “predators” rampaged through out Boston’s homes. D just turned into a “predator”, and he was killing and raping any female insight. It’s only been a half an hour since his change, and yet he couldn’t contain himself. He was still able to talk the human language, and understand their language which was a bunch of slurs and growls. But his bodily needs took over his sanity.

     Listening to another group’s conversation, he found out that there was a family with five daughters that lived two blocks away. Of course D invited himself to the party.

     When the pack broke into the heavily barricaded apartment he smelled flowers. Marching through the door he found out why. It was a middle eastern family and they had flowers and herbs all over the place. The scent made him feel sick, but a little more human.

     In the far corner of the apartment he found the eldest daughter. She had long dark wavy hair and piercing blue eyes. But a damn bitch was after the beauty. He got on all fours and pounced towards the two fighting girls. The only good thing about being a “predator” is that no one touches your meal.

     By the time he got to the girl, her siblings were dismembered, bloody, and organ-less. He grabbed the “predator” girl’s hair and pulled her back, ripping her scalp. D licked his hand and approached the raven haired girl.

     Her face shriveled up in disgust but did something unexpected. She held up her hand,

     “Stop… I can help you…but I need to be alive. P-please just let me help you. You’re still human…” Her voice was like a goddess’s, so soft yet fierce.    

     He approached her very carefully. Nearly a foot away from her, he sniffed the side of her neck and licked that same spot.

     She tastes good, but I’ll keep her for other reasons…

     Then one thing led to another. Care and D began traveling with each other. Care gave D her herbal treatment which actually worked because he was in his earliest stages, and D gave her protection. After a year together they became, more attached. A simple campfire kiss, led to holding hands when walking, then grouping 24/7, make-out sessions every once in a while. Now he’s been trying to get her pregnant with his baby.


     “Hey D.”

     Her alarmed voice broke him out of his lovey dovey trance. Looking around him he saw 2, 3, 6 “predators” surrounding them. When it came to rouges like D, they have no tolerance.

     “Shit. Cover your eyes Care,” his voice low and raspy, more than usual. Care did as she was told and covered her eyes. D never wants her to see him kill.

     He looked at all six of them, and lunged at their leader.

     Care doesn’t know how many minutes past. But knowing D it only took 2 minutes. She felt a chin rest on her shoulder, and raged breathing going down her spine.

     His long arms tightened around her waist and kissed the top of her head.

     “Good girl,” he mumbled as he liked her neck, and then nuzzled it. When it came to killing, sex was right after it. Let’s rephrase that, AMAZING sex was right after it.

     She leaned back into his chest and sighed.


     “What is it babe?”

     There was a long pause, “I want you to take me…” she whispered to him. Her eyes were still closed which brought the excitement to a whole new level.

     “Where?” D loved teasing her. Watching Care become frustrated was erotic to him. That’s when Mr.Happy began to push against his pants.

     He saw her lower lip quiver with frustration, “On the top of this hill. With a nice big rock…”

     Oh, D was going to enjoy this.

     “Babe, there is a nice big rock right here though,” D chuckled as he pressed his hard length to her back.

So why did I leave off at that part? Well, this is just a tiny sample of what the book is like! Anyways, if you’d like more on the story of D and Care please leave comments and vote! But I’ll probably continue it anyways after a few reads.

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