Family or Amelia.

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(Just wanted to clarify something.....this is when Sam goes back to Amelia to decide who he wants to be with)

I wake up in my room with my head splitting in two. I look around my room for my medicine but I can't find it.
I bet Dean has some so I walk into his room but he's not there. So I walk into the kitchen and bingo he's there making breakfast. I smile then sit down at a chair.

"Hey Dean" I say in my sleepy voice.
"Hey Pancake" Dean turns around but then goes back to cooking.
"So um I have a headache do you have any medicine?" I ask holding my head in my hands.
"Aww yeah it's in my room on the nightstand, hey bug do you feel ok, you look really pale?" Dean asks turning around and walking over to me and feeling my forehead.
"Well your burning up so I'll bring you breakfast in bed ok and I'll bring you your medicine" Dean says and I sigh.
"But I feel fine, hey um where's Sammy?" I whine then ask Dean and his eyes go wide. That is never a good thing in this family....ever.
"Deeeaaannn?" I question looking at him.
"Ok ok but promise me you won't flip and I need to go out today and get something to fix the holes in the wall so don't punch another one in it." Dean says then laughs and I glare at him.
"Ok ok, Sam's gone, but he'll be back....I think" Dean says and I can feel my face getting hot.
"You think" I scoff then say in a sarcastic tone.
"Hey I'll tell you more about it later go get in bed I'll be there in a bit" Dean says putting a plate down on the table.
"Yeah yeah" I whisper then go to the library and get a book I haven't read in a while...which was a lore book about pagon gods then go to my room.

I start to read the book but I get an even worse headache so I put it down and stair at the ceiling. I was lost in my thoughts when Dean comes in with my breakfast, medicine, and a glass of water. He could tell I'm not paying attention so he decides to scare me.

"Sage!" Dean screams and I jump and hit my head against my headboard and he rushes over.
"Ow" I groan putting my hand on my head.
"I'm so sorry bug" Dean says sitting down the stuff and gives me my medicine and I take it.
"Yeah it's sit and tell me why Sammy makes up with me and leaves the next morning" I say and pat beside of me and he sits down and puts his arm around me.

"Well it's kind of complicated..." Dean says and I put my head on his shoulder.
"That's basically our last name so spill" I say and I feel Dean laugh.
"Well the girl that he was with this year called him and asked him to come back to see "what there relationship really means" and he left" Dean shrugs and I sit up.
"And he just left, no regrets, nothing, sounds like something Sam would do" I scoff and look Dean in the eyes.
"Well-uh I tried to talk him out of it and in fact this was my exact words..."If you leave you know Sage is going to get so mad and I'm not going to lie I will to.... And he says I'm not leaving I'm just going somewhere for like 2 days but I don't know if I'm coming back...Dean she means so much to me" Dean says then looks at me to see what my facial expressions where.

"Look all you want your not going to find anything, Dean can I tell you something?" I say coldly and ask biting my lip.
"Of course you can bug, you know you can always tell me anything" Dean says pulling me closer to him.
"I feel so numb I don't feel any emotion anymore...and I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing" I shrug and blink back the tears.
"Aww bug I know I know" Dean cooes and kisses my head then feels my forehead.
"Well your fevers gone, how are you feeling?" Dean asks.
"Better, but I'm just glad your come on let's have a shooting match....race ya" I say then smirk and take off running to the shooting range.

I got my gun in position when Dean finally comes in out of breath. I smirk then go over and turn on some AC/DC.

"Geez your fast" Dean says getting out his gun.
"What can I say 5 miles every day, you shoot first who ever gets the most bullseyes in 5 bullets wins the loser has healthy for a week" I smirk because I already know I'm going to win.
"Right ok" Dean says in a mocking voice and gets his gun ready.

Dean shoots his first bullet and it goes through the center and so dose the rest except for the last one when he was about to shoot his phone starts ringing and he shoots the wall.

"Aghh" Dean grumbles and answers the phone while I take my 5 shots and they all go in the center.
"Yeah she's here...Sammy...good luck" Dean says sarcastically and hands me the phone who I'm guessing is Sam.
"Yeah" I say into the phone.
"Sage hey um...are you mad" Sam says in a worried tone.
"Sammy...*sigh* No Sammy I'm not mad....yeah ok bye Sam" I say then hang up the phone and Dean gives me a hug. He doesn't pull away and I don't either because let's be honest we all need a hug right now.

"S-so when is he coming home?" I say starting to cry a little bit because Sam didn't tell me, he had to get off of the phone.
"Um maybe a week or so he said that he's going to see where it goes" Dean says breaking the hug and bending down to my height because I'm short and he wipes my tears.
"Now come on let's go get me some rabbit food" Dean says then laughs.
"Loser" I mutter but Dean still heard it.
"Oh your going to pay for that" Dean says and starts tickling me.
"D-Dean..." I squirm and get away and run to baby and get in.
"Um no I'm driving" Dean says opening the drivers door that I'm already in.
"Finnee" I whine and get out and go to the passengers seat.

We go to the store and I pick out the food for Dean and get extra for me to.
"Wait I thought I lost why are you getting some?" Dean asks raising an eyebrow at me.
"I eat this stuff on a daily basis" I say laughing.
"So you tricked me?" Dean scoffs.
"Umm yes and to be honest you need to work on your shot" I smirk and pay for the food. We walk out of the store and get into the impala.

" you miss dad?" I ask then sink into my seat.
"Every know I can see so much of mom in you it hurts sometimes to look at you because it reminds me of her" Dean smiles at me and I give a big smile back.
"See right there...that smile is all moms" Dean says looking back at the road.
"Aww thank you Dean" I say then punch his arm lightly.

When we got back to the bunker me and Dean spent the rest of the night watching movies and we fell asleep on the couch. All in all today was a pretty good day.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter! Now I don't know if I can update tomorrow because it's my birthday and I'm going to be busy but I will try! Thank you guys so much and don't forget to vote on this story if yo I like it and comment! Always keep fighting ❤️

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