1-It's My Pleasure

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AN: Sorry It's short and poor writing but it was my first fanfiction ever:D

Chapter 1

'It's My Pleasure'

Aria was hurried , she wanted to catch up with her date with Ezra and this was a great plane to forget about all the weird stuff and the metnal and physical harm A was making to them (Hanna,Emily,Spencer and of course Aria) and mainly after they tried to determine Red Coat's identity but it ends someone traps them with Mona in the lodge and sets it on fire, leaving them with no escape and it gets more insane when they get to know that the Red Coat is the one who saved them and Hanna admits that she saw Alison in the Red Coat.

 Moreover, the girls found Wilden's body lain in the street by the church.From this all insane , she was hoping to free her mind a little bit with her date with ezra , even there relationship is not strong and filled with passion as it used to be with his child and getting to work as a teacher in her school again, she tried to forget about that for this moment and enjoy her date.

And kissing Jake...omg! she knew that this was her fault but she was hanging out with jake to fill the space Ezra couldn't..but even that wasn't making her happy , she wasn't satisfied of what she was doing , actually she wasn't happy being with Ezra or Jake.

Before she can even notice she bumped into someone

 ''sorry'' she said before looking up 'J-Jason!' she was surprised.

 ''Hi Aria'' Jason said with a calm note

 ''Jason I-I thought you are out of town , I know your mother returned to Rosewood but I didn't know you came too..''

 Jason simper '' I didn't intend to come but my mother need me so...''

' 'yeh, I understand'' Aria replied smiling. 

Deep inside her she was happy to see him , maybe she was missing him or just knowing he is in town reassures her. 

''I had to go,it was nice to see you Jason'' She smiled

 ''It's my pleasure'' he said with a soft smile , she grinned and then walked away

 '' bye Jason'' were her last words before turning around.

In Ezra apartment , they again started to sneak out and she hated it but at the same time she wasn't so anxious about this date , she only accepted because she needed a break from all the problems in her life.

 ''Hey'' Ezra said with a smile on his face as he opened the door

 '' Hi '' she said trying to fake a smile , she loves ezra and but not as passion and strong as before.....actually she loves the memories and she loves the fact they gave up on things and defended their love , she was okay keeping the memories but staying with Ezra... she had to think about that..

And for Jake she will tell him to stay just friends because she has no feelings for him and she only was close to him , even kissed him because she wanted to empty that space inside her...Thinking again she will keep the last part for herself.

''Aria?'' back to reality...

''huh!'' Ezra raised his eyebrow ''I wanted to talk to you about something but your mind seems off today''

 ''No I'm fine'' she tried to be as happy as she can 

''what do you want to talk about?''

 Ezra was a little nervous ''Aria..I don't want to sneak again I don't want our relashionship to be like this!'' He rubbed the back of his neck.

 ''Okaaaay..what do you want?''

She was very calm unexpected. 

Ezra was a little confused but continued anyway ''I was thinking to go off town and search for a job near Rosewood to be near you and eh...and..Malcolm''

Still Aria calm ''Malcolm?!!'' She raised her eyebrow

''Yeh Maggie bought an apartment near me to be able to hang out with Malcolm' Ezra was really nervous now , but Aria acted unexpectedly

 ''That's great it will be slightly awkward , but it's okay I can handle it'' she felt nothing she was doing it for Ezra as usual 

'' You are the best you know that'' He said kissing her.

''Uhh what do you want to do now?'' 

''Movie sounds great'' He grinned

''Great'' As Usual.

They spent the evening watching 'Dear John' she liked nicholas spark movies , but today she wasn't paying any attention , she was just thinking of one person all the night.....Jason.

It's My Pleasure-Edited (Pretty Little Liars) (Aria and Jason Fanfiction)(Jaria)Where stories live. Discover now