Growls [1]

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*~ Growls ~*


Oh My God.

Great. This was fantastic. I was practically jumping with joy- note the sarcasm guys.

I felt like screaming into a pillow, punching a wall and riding my motorbike into a wall.

Put it this way, I felt like doing something disasterous.

Being sent to a boarding school full of petty humans is one thing but..

Me, a Werewolf, falling in love with my sworn enemy, a Vampire, is another.

Chapter 1.

Crap, crap crappidy crapcrap. I was late home, again.

I could distincly remember my Mothers words last time I was home thirty seconds late, she yelled at me as if it was the end of the world "MARY! That is IT! Next time you are even one second late home you are going to boarding school- For HUMANS!!! IS THAT CLEAR!?"

Oh yeah, I may have forgot to mention that I arnt exactly what you'd call normal.

Or human.

Or even humane.

But anyway, Im a werewolf. And in wolf form I was a sleek, snow-white beast with great muscles but a small figure. I was what my father called 'a beauty' and my mother called 'different'.

I just called it 'me'.

I go to high school now, but I have my two BFF's Lizzie and Philip, who're both werewolves, so I didnt mind. Now this new school was gonna be hell!

But back to the matter of hand, I was twenty miles from home and had about a minute to dash through the front door, and it would certainly be in wolf form.

I could probably make it in about one minute ten seconds.. too long!

Oh, another thing, we were three times faster than vampires, who were twenty times faster than humans- wolf thing.

I pushed my bunched up muscles harder and forced fur covered body to go quicker, damnit I was gonna be late. Oh craaaaap! Boarding school for me.

Awaiting a loud yelling, I crashed through the huge oak door with five seconds to spare. Yess, I arnt late!!! I started doing a happy dance In wolf form, feeling my white muzzle break into a wolfy grin, tounge lolling to the side.

Untill I saw my parents, brothers and sister- looking pissed. I quickly felt the transformation back to human take place and the familiar sense of loss filled my now curvy figure. Black hair tumbled down my naked back ending at my waist, and my dark blue eyes turned back to their human but still intensly inhuman, brown. My nuditity didnt bother anybody, me included as we were all werewolves and nakedness was just a form of our nature.

"Hey! I am NOT late! I had five seconds to spare when I came in!" I acknowledged in a rush.

"Lie.Lie.LIE!!!" Ben yelled- one of my very annoying brothers.

"Oh, we know Its a lie. MISSY, you are actually TWENTY MINUTES LATE!!" My mum was, infact, screeching at me now. Oh bother, I forgot I had changed the time on my phone so my teacher would think I was late by no fault of mine.. I didnt change It back did I? Oh bother.

"Uh.. Uh.. Uhh.." I said intelligently.

"Boarding school for you MARY!! You will be attending St. Laviour's Academy Boarding school starting in two days. Now go make yourself look HUMAN!!!" My dad was shouting now, crap I mustve really ticked them off. Oh hell, what If their were jocks there? Jocks were jerks, and always seemed to drool all over me, which was weird cos' their were some beautiful girls at our school. Oh... Poo, their were probably gonna be a load of cheerleading bitches too...

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