F Virgo X M Sagittarius

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The lunch room was crowded beyond what Virgo had though on her mind. It was certainly huge for a small school, but that's what you get when you say free ice cream for a day, then the whole school comes running to the lunch room.

All Virgo wanted was an apple as she weaved and wove her way in and found the shiny apple she spotted across the room. She smiled and when for it, until a rough hand of a male grabbed it and took it with him. Virgo's heart sank with disbelief as it was soon replaced with anger.

She looked around to find the hand who took the last apple, and gasped to find it too be Sagittarius, the most handsome man in this school. Butterfly replaced her anger as she watched him turn over the apple and take a bite out of it.

Virgo's stomach growled in hunger. So loudly as even Sag could hear it from where he was. He stopped munching on the apple as he locked eye contact with her green lovely eyes. Virgo's heart raced on the inside as every step he made towards her had her heart beating twice the second.

She didn't even notice he was in front of her until he said something. "Are you hungry? You can have my apple if you want."

"O-Oh... thanks..." Virgo's stomach growled in happiness as she bit into the apple and tasted it's juices. She hummed at the sweet flavor, unaware of Sag's eyes watching her with amusement.

"I guess your stomach is happy now?" Sag said with a hidden smirk.

"Y-Yeah... thank you by the way... I'm-"

"Virgo. I know your name. Maybe we should hang out together some time."

She couldn't believe her ears. Was he flirting with her?! She couldn't believe that a handsome man like him was flirting with a girl like her. This was a dream coming true at once.

"R-Really...?" Virgo said as her voice cracked.

"Maybe right now would be a good time?"


Sag smiled as he grabbed her elbow and leads her towards his group of friends. Virgo smiled as she and the rest of his friends got along together pretty well. At the end, Sag whispered something into her ear one she would love and hate for her archer.

"I took the apple because I knew if I did your stomach would lead to where the heart wanted most~"

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