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there was a group of nine friends, who loved each other so much. they had a group chat on an application.
once, it was 2AM when they were chatting and sending silly memes.
suddenly. An UNKNOWN person joined the group, and the first thing he texted was
"Hello sweeties, Whos next?"
he sent a pic of Mariam.
"Im a friend"
they felt weird, so they checked on his account, and when the did, its one of there friend' account.it was Mariams account, they knew for sure that it's her doing a prank,so they decided to just let it go.
the (UNKNOWN) started a group call. most of them joined, cause they wanna have a laugh.
they didn't know that this laughs will turn to crying shivers..
just as soon as they joined, they all talked at the same time .
"Hahaha we know its youu !"
" we are not that stupid ! we know its you" .
"What a weird prank!"
" hahahaha "
they all stoped talking when they didn't hear a respond,there is no sound from the UNKNOWN .
weird sounds came from the UNKNOWN,some footsteps and a harsh whispering. another hello and there is more whispering,more like some weird mumbling they tried to understand what he was saying but they failed,they couldn't figure what he was saying.is it even their language?
they thought that Mariam made that sounds trying to scare them so they continued talking normally, they kept talking and talking till its 4AM . they haven't heard a sound from that weirdo for 2hours ! something is serious here.. they tried to make -who thought it was-Mariam stop because it started being silly and .. kinda scary.
"come on its not funny anymore!"
"yeah this became so boring..since the first minute honstly"
"you need to stop right now."
everything was kinda okay til Bshaer said "but guys what if it isn't Mariam?"
silence filled that group call ..
"haha come on! you cant be serious"abeer said.
"no for real! Mariam isn't that type who would stay up this late!! let alone her wanting to sleep since 11PM ! AND she will never hear us talking without saying a word ! you know how she is!"


Abeers POV :

"I don't know maybe she wanted to do a strong prank" I told Bshaer . come on its just a prank!
"I know deep down you know its not her !! stop trying to show the opposite" she said confidently.
"Mariam Iam saying it for the last time. is it you or not ??" manar said and some weird screams inrupted . its not a human screams neither it is animal'.
they didn't care about that and they started arguing .
when suddenly a death screams came from the UNKNOWN.
its a familiar voice ! they know this voice !!
..... is it Mariams ?. what is this !
"MARIAM.?" I said. ohmygod whats wrong.this death screams sounded so real.
" MARIAM !! MARIAM !! DO YOU HEAR ME !!!" bshaer said
she wont answer what the fuck.
"DID SHE DIE? !" bshaer said
"no no she didn't !! don't be dramatic, Guys she didnt died !! she just-"
there is nothing but silence.. and renad is crying.
I said "mariam Please .. are you here?this isnt funny anymore"
no reply
"ohmygod. what if something really happend to her! we need to check her out,Bshaer manar Im picking you up.be ready." I said strictly.
"WHAT ? NO NO NO!! Im not going there !! what if the killer is there !! I'll just call the poli-" bshaer said.
"NO NO!! Fuck. don't even think about that! well then ...turn your phone off and try to sleep."
"are you fucking kidding me ?! how will I sleep!!?"bshaer said
"okay. guys please be careful .. please. and take some sharp thing that could help you .. you know its not a ghost." bshaer warned us.
"we will Bshaer. we will. okay wish us a good luck cause I'm infront of Manar's house"
"ohmygod." bshaer voice started shaking even more,she said some other shit that I couldn't understand. I turned my phone off and waited for Manar . shit she is five minutes late.
God! I felt comfort when I saw her. I told her to hurry and when she get inside the car .. her eyes are blood shots. all her face is so red. it's obvious that she was crying. But mariam Didn't died.
they need to stop being dramatic.
We arrived to Mariams apartment. the drive was so quite. oh shit we didn't make a plan.
"okay Manar what are we going to do?!"
she looked at me nervously. then she started crying.
"Manar .. please don't."
" But wha-what if"
I hushed her with my finger.
"everything will be allright . okay?" I said warmly trying to comfort her. I didn't know I'll ever see her like this.
"promise ?" she said.
oh god. my eyes tried to escape.
"It will. everything will be alright I promise you" I told her with a smile. a fake one.
" Okay ..... "
"come on ! deep breath "
she did what I told her then she said excitedly
"Okay now whats the plan!" god. she is so strong.
"we'll just get in the apartment. 100% her roommate isn't fucking there! but. we will get in and see what happend to her. we have somethings that might protect us. I have a knife and some shit. just be with me."
"okay. but lets be in a call with some of our friends to let them know what's happening " manar said. shit how Did I forgot this.
"Yes! this is important."
I called haya then entered the apartment and oh my god there is a party every singel day in this building! this people are fucked up! if she is dead - she isn't but Im just saying. no one will know. I can bring a whale here and no one will notice.
shitty people.

we got to her apartment and when we wanted to open the door. oh no. it's locked.

"what the fuck! how we didn't remember this! she never unlock her room! " how did I forgot.
"didn't she gave you a key incase something happened ?" manar reminds me.
"FUCK ! she did. she really did ! but I forgot it in my room !"
" ABEER ! are you serious!!! you were so-"
"OKAY OKAY ! I KNOW . I JUST FORGOT! now give me one of the shit In the bag. lets try to break it"
" okay. "

2 minutes later . the door is open *broken. the apartment is so dark. and obviously her roommate isnt here. he is never here !!!
anyway we went to her room. when we opened the door. mariam is on the floor . a blood *her blood* is all over her..... and next to her is her phone with it screen on . I technically walked to her phone .. I checked it and there is big " UNKNOWN" word on her phone. her phone is a little bit cracked. our group chat is there and in the text box ..
" guys I swear its not me "
the last thing I remember from what happened in that apartment is haya calling my name on the phone.

It's may now. it has been a month since the "UNKNOWN" joined that group chat . it has been a month since our lifes turned into hell.
I haven't seen any of my friends. I miss them. but I'm afraid that if I see them I'll ... I dont know.

my mother say Iam shocked.
they say I didnt ate for a week. But I don't remember being hungry.
they say I couldn't sleep for days. Yeah I don't remember being able to close my eyes.
they say I haven't talked since that . I still feel Iam unable to talk.
I think they are right because right now. Im just a skin on bones. I have dark circles under my eyes
they were right. they are right. everyone is right . except me. Im the one who have never been right. Im the one who said everything will be alright. Im the one who said that it is just a prank. Its all cause of me. Im always wrong.

Im looking at myself. Using the car mirror and I look disgusting. It looks like a disaster happend on my face. but ain't nothing is wrong with that.a disaster really happend.
Im wearing all black. I don't feel like putting something colorful on me.
.. but will I ever feel like that ? after what happened ?

and if someone is wondering why Im in my car. Im doing it .Im seeing my friends! We decided to meet up at starbucks.
And for the first time. Im nervous to see my friends.
" aaa . hello" I tried my voice . Iam not sure of how I'll sound . and yeah nothing new. It sounds like a drug dealer voice. but .. mine is weak.so weak..
I drived very carefully ..
I arrived. and my legs are shaking.im sweating.
I need to calm down. they are my friends !
I entered starbucks And when I saw them .....
I have never felt more alive. I dont know how to explain my feelings but I'll just say " I felt alive."
I hugged all of them so tight. we all cried. god I missed them so much.
When I looked at their faces .. I dont know why I thought they will look like how they used to ! maybe better ! but No. they all look as shitty as Iam.
We kept talking for hours and hours . they all had a very hard time. and then finally we all went to have a sleepover party at Manar's house.

and that's what I needed. my friends.
they are the ones who will ever be able to fix me even when I break into million pieces.
they are the ones who will fill my emptiness.
they are the ones who are powerful enough to change my life from hell to a paradise.
my life isn't a paradise . none of us. our lifes isn't a paradise. it'll never be without her.
I miss her like .. I dont know. I have never had a feelings that are as strong as this feelings toward anything. this feeling is so strong. and I feel so .. crazy.

but life is like this . its gives and it takes. it gives you a great friends. then It takes them away. but I have to be thankful that it didn't  take all of my friends.


he said he was a FRIEND but an UNFRIENDED one.

hope you enjoyed  It🌜
please tell me if there is any mistakes .
Hope everything was clear
this is a oneshot, but I might write another part👏🏻.

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⏰ آخر تحديث: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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