Crush x Reader:

32 0 0

Y/N: Your Name

R/C: Random/Any Color

C/N: Crush Name (I already Know mine..I call him Rabbit..KuroxRabbit..I'm Kuro)

(F/S): Favorite Scent/Smell

(F/N): Fake Name

My step mother yells at,"Get out of my fucking house you worthless little bitch!"

I closed my eyes tightly as she grabbed my silky (R/C) hair and grabbed me by the hand using her other hand.

"And never EVER COME BACK! If I see your face ever again, I will kill you with my bare hands and feed it to the dogs," she yelled before she slammed the door.

I sighed and mumbled,"I knew this would happen..but I guess I need to find a new home now.."

Slowly I made my way into the city to probably look for something. I looked up at the night sky slightly still walking and bumped into someone by accident. The guy had the most beautiful sparkling (R/C) eyes which looked like the eyes that can actually understand me. Eyes full of sadness and mysteries. I was speechless at his good looks and how good he looked in the fancy black suit he wore. He stared at me for a bit and his eyes went wide slightly and he looked away oddly. He put his phone down and mumbled,"Hmph, so many rats on the street tonight. Maybe I should call an exterminator."

He quickly pushed me in an alley way and took off. I crossed my arms when I saw how rude he was to me. Slowly I began to follow where the alley way lead to. It lead to a very very dark area where there was no way out.

"Why di," suddenly my mouth was covered by a large hand which wasn't gentle at all. It was rough. I tried to scream, cry, kick, and even bite his hand, but he wouldn't let go. He suddenly pushed me against a wall and tangled his hands inside my hair.

"My, my look what I got here! A beauty asking for trouble. She doesn't dress like one of those low life hoes, but she still look so dumb hot," the guy said in an mischievous tone. He slowly leaned in closer to me and whispered in my ear," you want me to punish you for coming in my territory. Want me to show you my beast?" He suddenly began to laugh hysterically and ripped off my clothes. He ripped off my shirt, pants, then made his cold hands to my bra. He began to clip off my (R/C) bra and rub my breast harshly. " beautiful.."

I quickly kicked him in the nuts making him fall down. However, as I tried to make a run for it, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the floor.

He whispered in my ear,"Kitty definitely wants to be punished.."

He takes off his belt and wraps it around my legs, then takes my shirt and wrapped it around my mouth. He grabbed both of my hands and then began to lick my wrist to my arm to my neck making its way all the way down to my boobs to my stomach and lastly to my panties. The guy grabbed my (R/C) panties and ripped them off of me making me feel cold and scared. I began to try crying louder as I try to kick him with all my might. I squirm on the dirty floor but he quickly jabbed three fingers inside of me. He squirm his fingers roughly inside of me, hurting my own private area. He slowly took it out and licked his own fingers. "Your so little whore," he smirked. He unzipped his pants as fast as he could, slowly opening the little hole on his boxers, and his hard big member sprang out. Began to rub it against my womanhood slowly and as he was about to shove it in harshly someone shot a silent gun at him. The guy then slowly fall backwards.

Slowly I look up and began to feel fear and happiness fill me. It was the guy that I saw on the street. He looked down at me and quickly looked away. He took off his jacket and wrapped me in it. He covered his mouth slightly and whispered,"Put that on! Geez your making me waste my time here.."

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