Chapter 12!

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Okay so heres chapter 12, cause well i love you guys just so much!!!!!!!!!


Luna's pov.

Your probably wondering what i did right.....................well lets just say i think they've learned their leason.

Okay i may or may not have died their cloths, hair, and rooms hot princess pink..............okay okay i did sue me.

Im now running through the woods to hid in my bat cave...........dananana BAT MAN!

Yes im that much of a weirdo to know and sing the bat man song.

Im getting of track again DAMNIT.

Yes before you ask they are running after me and yes i am out running them for now........................i know dying everything hot pink is so me and a bit extreme but hey no one said i was going to take it easy on them............THEY ATE MY BACON!!!!!

So you see i had every right to do what i did. i slide and hid in my bat cave and wait for them to either find me or run past me. Guess which one happened?


Cole's pov.

I love my sister i really do dont get me wrong, but she DIED EVERYTHING PINK!!!!!!! and i dont mean a light baby pink oh no she went all out and did hot princess pink......which is like ten times worse then hot pink trust me.

Me and the guys were running after her but sense its raining and we cant follow her scent we lost her. well she left trent out of the prank so he wont help us. he said that sense he didnt get pranked that he has no part in this. but i think luna has a prank waiting for him somewhere, where i dont know.

God my sisters evil but thats one of the reasons i love her.


Trent's pov.


I cant beilive it! its just too funny, i fell to the floor once i saw the guys i mean come on. six buffed up guys with pink cloths and hair! wouldn't you bust out laughing?!

Then the have the balls to say that sweet angel like luna is the one that did this! i mean come on, this had evil genius all over it. not sweet little luna.............they said she did this cause we ate her bacon, its just bacon, why would she do this over bacon really?!?


Luna's pov.

I love it when they keep the mind link open and i can hear their thoughts but they cant hear mine.

Trents in for a shock, cause i did something much much worse to him. what im not sweet, im no angel, nor am i little............. But most of all.........HOW DARE HE SAY ITS JUST BACON! yup im more mad that he said that instead of all the other stuff. so you know what i did. i put super glue in his shampoo, itching pouder in his body wash, and ugly green hair dye in his conditioner. hehehe i know im bad but hey you dont mess with me and my bacon thats just one big no no.



Hehe ik im evil so what do you think happens do they catch her, does trent get his prank?




Cala2193 out!!!!

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