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Alex's POV

"Meg, you have the heart to hide it for such a long time and I've been nothing but loyal to you."

"Alex I'm sorry. I was planning on telling you but-"

"But what? You were too busy out with him?"

"Alex, look babe I'm sorry we can fix this."

"Meg, I'm just tired of it all. I'm sorry I just can't do this anymore." I say tears in my eyes running away from all the commotion.

After 2 years, I didn't know how I was gonna let go.

Hazels's POV

I went to the store to pick up some girl materials so I casually dressed in sweats and a hoodie, then threw my hair in a top knot.

As I was walking, it started pouring so I ran as fast as I could. While running, I bumped into a guy who had his hood over his head covering his face but now I was drenched in a puddle.

I looked up and it was Alex. Everyone at school knows him but there was no way he'd know me.

"I'm so sorry Alex, I didn't mean to run into you." I said afraid, knowing he can ruin anyone's reputation within a second.

He pulls both of us under a roof. "I'm really sorry." I say looking up and his eyes are red, and his face is not looking to well. "Oh my god Alex, are you okay." I say to him, he looks likes he's been crying.

"How do you know my name?" He says surprised.

"I mean doesn't everyone?" I say shrugging it off. "I'm Hazel, I go to school with you , but you wouldn't know me. I'm one of the outcasts." I tell him smiling straightening my already wet clothes.

"Listen, I'm sorry for running into you, and don't define yourself like that. I guess I'll see you around." He says walking away rubbing his red cried eyes.

As he left, I let out a sigh in relief, thinking he'll do something to ruin me in seconds, but honestly that's the nicest I've seen him in weeks.

I go visit my little brother afterwards. I do that everyday in the afternoon. He's 4 years old. He lives with my grams. She's been taking care of me as far as I can remember. My mom and dad died  months after my brother was born so we've became her responsibility.

After visiting my gram's and brother I went to my apartment. Once I got to my room, I couldn't help but think about why the toughest guy in our school was crying. It takes a lot to get him down and the last time I've seen him cry was in the seventh grade, when he lost a loved one.

"Its the things we love that ruins us the most."

I remember him telling the class that when he first found out. The only reason why he cries is when he loses a person he loves.


Alex's POV

I ran into a girl I've never seen before. she knew my name and we went to the same school, though her face was so unfamiliar.

Her name was Hazel and she had the most beautiful Hazel eyes. She let herself down so easily and I could tell she was so insecure. She called herself an outcast and I hope to see her again.

Scrolling online on my timeline and I see pictures of Meg and this boy. I cried no tears. All of them already wasted. Was I the only one who put effort in our relationship for 2 years? It was nothing to her.

I couldn't take it no more so I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, hoping to find a girl who'll save me.

Hazel's POV

It was the next morning at school and I get there really early everyday. I'm usually one of the first ones there so I sit under a tree most of the time, where I do my reading, my thinking, and just my time alone.

I was reading a book "Me Before You" (A/N I LOVE THIS BOOK SAM CLAFLIN AND EMILIA CLARKE ARE MY LIFE) when all of a sudden a man walks up to me, it was Alex.

"Alex listen I'm so sorry, please just please,  don't ruin me." I say desperately.

"What? Actually I was gonna come here to say sorry to you. I'd never ruin you physically." He says sitting down next to me and he throws his head back against the tree and closes his eyes, putting earphones in.

I look at the pain on his face and it looks like he hardly slept at all. Eye bags under his eyes, dark circles, eyes redder than ever.

"Hazel I feel you staring at me." He says with his eyes still close.

"Sorry." I say scratching my head. "It's just-" I say trying to process how to say it. "Did you and Meg really break up?" I say and he opens his eyes, takes out his headphones and looks me in the eye.

"How could you have possibly known?" He asks me shocked.

"Look Aiono, you might not know me but I know you. Hell, everyone does." I say sitting up. "And the last time you cried was in the seventh grade when you lost a loved one." I tell him and he's starting to process it all. "And you even said that quote that I will never forget." I tell him sternly. "Just because you don't see me doesn't mean I'm not there." I tell him. "And that, is how being an outcast feel like." I smile, patting his shoulders.

The look in his eye changed and he was about to say something but he was interrupted because students were already starting to come in.

I grab my bags and start getting up. "Look I know you're going through a really rough time right now, and it seems like nobody seems to get how you're feeling. If you ever need somebody to talk to," I tell him, ripping out a piece of paper, writing my number on it. "Here." I say giving it to him. "Oh and don't look now but at ten o'clock is Meg and her new boyfriend?" I say questioningly,  getting up and heading to my first class.

Alex's POV

There's something about this girl that seems to get me in a way that no one else does. I look at ten o'clock and I see Meg getting all touchy with a new boy. I just can't understand how she just threw away a two year relationship and got over it so quickly.

He lips collided with his and all I feel is knives through my heart.

Nothing was ever gonna fix me this way and I need someone to right now.

I'm not that jockey guy anymore. Something about me changed, and Meg's got me at my best.


~i started an Alex fanfic and I hope you guys are liking the first chapter. Please vote and comment and I will have an updating schedule soon but tune in~

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