Chapter One

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1st September, 1993.

Platform 9 and 10 were bustling with people, as Maya Caufield searched for a friend. She looked around, and finally spotted her standing in front of the wall that would allow them to platform 9 3/4.

"There they are, Ms Caufield." Fredrick said, pointing in their direction, as he maneuvered her trolley towards them.

"Yes Fredrick, I see them. Thank you." she said, already making her way towards them. The little family of brunettes turned around at the sound of their footsteps, and smiled.

"It's nice to see you again, Dr and Dr Granger. You too, Hermione." Fredrick said, as the two of them reached the Grangers.

"Fredrick! Maya! How lovely to see you again." Hermione's mother beamed, as they all shook hands.

Hermione looked at Maya with an amused smile. "What is it this time?" she asked. Maya rolled her eyes.

"Daddy dearest has a shareholders meeting to attend in Hong Kong, and Mother is planning one of her little parties for yet another NGO that I can't seem to remember." Maya replied. "After a while, they all start to blend together, really."

"Ms Caufield, those little parties are called fundraisers, and a lot of people are dependent on them. You shouldn't be so dismissive of your mother's efforts!" Fredrick admonished. "Mrs Hughes would be very displeased if she heard you."

Maya gave him a cool look. "That's why Mrs Hughes is not here, Fredrick."

"No, Mrs Hughes is not here because she is protesting your going back to Hogwarts." Fredrick reminded her with a pointed glance.

"Mrs Hughes is that nice lady who accompanied the two of you on our first visit to Diagon alley, isn't she?" Hermione's father asked.

"Yes. She is Ms Caufield's governess." Fredrick replied, while Maya nodded.

"What kind of people still hire governesses for their children?" Hermione asked, sounding both amused and exasperated.

"The kind that are too posh to say nanny." Maya replied with a smirk, and Hermione gave her friend a knowing smile.

All this while, Hermione's mother had been silent, looking rather confused. She finally decided to speak up.

"Sorry." she said, interrupting Fredrick just as he was about to say something. They all turned to look at her. "Why is Mrs Hughes protesting Maya going back to Hogwarts?" she asked. Fredrick looked at her surprised.

"Because of the whole chamber of secrets ordeal that happened last year, of course." he said, looking thoroughly surprised at her ignorance. "It was the biggest danger muggleborns have ever faced at Hogwarts. The school almost shut down!"

It was at this point that Maya caught her friend giving her a wide-eyed look. Hermione looked at her and shook her head in the subtlest way she could. Maya nodded in understanding.

"Don't be silly, Fredrick!" Maya exclaimed with a fake laugh. "The chamber of secrets was a Slytherin problem, and Hermione here is in Gryffindor! Besides, it's all over now anyways."

Fredrick seemed to catch on. He looked at the two girls with disapproval before muttering, "Ah yes, my mistake."

"Will you look at the time?" Hermione exclaimed with a nervous laugh, eager to get out of the conversation. "We best get going if we want to board the train on time!"  She grabbed the trolley from her father and kissed his cheek as she said her goodbyes.

Fredrick silently handed Maya's trolley to her. "I still beg you to reconsider, Ms Caufield." he pleaded. "We can still go home. We'll try to get you into Uagadou next fall."

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