The worker

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The woman stared at us with bright blue eyes and Sherlock got in her face.

"Who are you working for!" he said angrily "Why are you writing our names?"

"Sherlock..." John said He was doing my job I liked that.

Lestrade had removed the towel over her lips.

"I work for whoever pays me." she said

German accent. "She's German"I said

Lestrade nods coming over to me. "Good call on catching her. Where'd you find her?" I asked

"The flat where you all visited earlier." he said

John was talking to Mycroft out in the hallway. I walked over to the angry Sherlock. and the woman.

"Hello Veronica." She said

"How do you know me?" I asked

"Ms. Adler, has been watching you both."

Sherlock stepped back.

"The woman..." I mumbled. "Why do you care about me? What do you need with me!" I asked her angrily

"Information. You know about alot I know you do. You know Sherlock better than anyone here."

"Who are you?" I said pulling out my gun Lestrade had given me

"Who do you want me to be?" she asks pulling out her phone."Helda? Diana?" Diana was the dead body in the second flat we explored."My father will get me out of this." she sneared quickly without us replying.

"Who's your father?" Lestrade asked

"James Moriarty." she said

Sherlock went over to me helping me up telling John to bring me out in the hall.

Sherlock's Pov

I didn't have any idea that Moriarty had a daughter she was lying through her teeth. She was an Adler.

"Your lying." I said to her. I decided to deduce her. "Your older than you appear. Your not really moriarty's daughter your Irene Adler's sister I can tell by the facial structure, your at least 27 years old and you worked for him till he...died" I said thinking about the fall from three years ago.

"Your right. I am Elsa Adler, my sister fell in love with you and she stopped working for Moriarty. But I didn't. I enjoy killing people, and wrecking others lives. Especially Veronica's she is worth it." She said with a smile

"Why"I didn't have a clue why she wanted Veronica but I cared for her just as much as John but differently...

"She was my best friend as a child." Elsa said "And I noticed she had money, and even a mother who cared for her. So behind my families back I stole from her and eventually found you and decided to help Moriarty before you killed him." She said.

"So just another criminal. A puppet for Moriarty to pull his strings. Lestrade put her in prison. Get her out of here." I finished

John and Mycroft said bye to us and people thanked me. Mrs. Hudson hugged me. I talked to Veronica.

"So, you know her?" I asked

"Yeah, I guess I was friends with her. I didn't ever talk to Irene though..." she says to me.

So they found her comment if i should write more.-mickey

The Cunning Identity Worker(SHERLOCK fanfiction) {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now