Well, I didn't expect that... wait, yes I did.

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"Get your butt over here, or I will make you get it over here. I'm not going to be late, I swear. And I honestly swear that if we are late..." my, overly hyper friend, Alex, says.

"If we are late, what?" I say, stopping dead in my tracks, glaring at him. 

"I just want to get to school, okay?" He says, crossing his arms and cocking his hip.

"Unlike you, I don't want to be going to school today, or any other day for that matter," I say, with a sigh. School was a waste of time. And energy, quite frankly. I already knew what they were going to teach, and when they were going to teach it. It was also interesting to know their fate. It's really interesting, but I don't think it's that important.

"Says you, of course," he said, sticking his tongue out. Yes, for anyone who is wondering, Alex is, quite openly, gay. I let out a sigh. I've been living with Alex.

Alex stops, cocks one of his "hips" and stand there, waiting. I groan with every step I take, just to annoy him. As I'm walking slowly, I take the pleasure to enjoy my surroundings. The bright cherry blossoms, and mango trees on the way to school really brighten up the walk. Until you drag your eyes to the "beautifully" littered road.

"If you don't hurry up, I will come over there and drag you to school myself." he says, glaring at me. I look up from inspecting the cracks of the side walk and look him in the eyes. He was dead serious.

"Fine fine Mr. Bossy Pants. I'm coming. God." I say, walking at a quicker pace. In no way in hell was I going to be dragged, anywhere. I finally catch up to Alex, where he rolls his eyes, shifts his weight, and continues walking.

I continue to inspect him from the back. He wasn't that bad looking, if you ask me. His jet black hair and crystal blue eyes stood out on his pale skin. He had perfect teeth. It's a shame that were like siblings, well that and that he's gay. 

Why are all the hot people either gay or taken?

Then, as if reading my mind, Alex asks, "Okay, when will you get a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend. All the other girls in our grade  have a boyfriend, but you. You don't. You're like that lonely potato that no one wants because you look disgusting on the outside when your like, a perfect potato within." he says, smirking.

I put my hand over my chest, and act offended. It was easy to act this way, because I truly was offended. Saying I wasn't a beautiful potato. How dare he. I walked over to him and punched him in the arm. It wasn't hard, it was just enough to make a gay boy wince.

"Female dog you," I say, with a sour look on my face. We've known each other since, forever, so it's not big deal what we call each other. I'm his chicken nugget and he's my female dog. Enough said.

"Okay, that came out wrong. I mean, your a beautiful potato, but no one can see how beautiful you are as a potato!" he says, trying to defend himself. It wasn't working that well. It was still a joking grin on his face, and I knew he was still kidding.

I wasn't THAT bad looking, I think, as I glare at him.

Maybe I don't have bleach blond hair or double Z's, but it's not like me myself isn't attractive, I think, contemplating this issue some more.

"So you're saying, I'm still a bad potato." I say, crossing my arms.

"No, no not at all. I just mean that like, you have really pretty hair, and your teeth are really pretty, and so is your complexion, and everything else, it's just that guys don't notice that and they don't really see you for the girl that you are," he says, nudging me with his shoulder.

"Oh," I say, shortly. I didn't know what else to say. Do I say thanks, or what? Sometimes he seemed too gay, and others he actually sounded straight. It never seemed weird though. It was just Alex. 

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