Tagged for Facts

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Tagged by @Masky101! Thirteen facts about me, I guess?

Pfft okay let's do this! *evil grin, maniacal laughter*

1. I stick my tongue out when I'm typing. It helps me think faster, and I seem to type faster as well.

2. I am part of two made-up religions my friends and I created. Stitchism (all hail Lord Stitch!) is one of them. The other is Slenderism. Pretty obvious.

3. The only animes I've ever watched are Black Butler and Hetalia.

4. I'm a polar bear.

4. While most people think of Markiplier as the boyfriend/husband type, I've always thought of him as a goofy big brother. Which makes for some pretty awkward feelings when my friends rant on and on about how hot Markiplier is.

5. I've been shipped with Markiplier, which makes 4 even more awkward.

6. Whenever I'm not writing, try checking Roblox. 90% chance I'll be somewhere on there, recording a YouTube video that sucks.

7. I care more about what you readers think and what you readers want when I'm writing a story then what I think or want. It's just how I am.

7. I was shipped with Markiplier because of how much my "fans" matter to me.

8. I hate calling you guys my fans. All the stuff I've been through that you've all helped me through, calling you fans just seems rude and selfish.

9. ^^^Which is why I call you guys Squirrels instead.^^^

10. I've been to eight different states in the U.S.A.

11. ^^^Well, seven if you don't count the state I live in.

11. ^^^Four if you don't count states bordering mine.

11. ^^^Two if you don't count states by the ocean.

11. ^^^ Zero if you count states in the east half of America.

11. I am a hermit.

11. I have never left the U.S. in my entire life so far.

12. I have been in the Atlantic ocean AND the Gulf of Mexico.

12. The top three things on my bucket list are "visit Paris", "meet my Wattpad friends in real life", and "hang out with Markiplier for a day". :)

13. This is technically fact #21 because of how I numbered the facts, but none of you were counting anyways.

But hey, nice chatting with you! And as always, I refuse to tag anyone to do this, I am not that heartless!

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