Chapter 1: The Begining Of The End

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Jason came to Stone Mountain Middle School as a lonely anti social kid. So he claimed to be. He wanted to make some friends he could learn to call family. For the longest time since he moved from his ex-girlfriend Sabrina, he felt like he was nothing, he felt like he was nobody. A few weeks after he came he made a couple of friends. Xamira, Elizabeth, Jessica, and Jen. He had a male friend but ill tell u about him later. Jason and his friends talked for a while. Jason had a brother named John. And John was Jen's brother. Mira was Jen's grand-Daughter, and Elizabeth was also Mira's Grand-mother but on her Dads side. And Jessica was Jen's sister but she was Elizabeth's daughter. You know how the how your friends are your family yeah that's what happened here. So where did Jason fit in this family tree. Well he was John's Brother which made him Jessica's brother, which made him Elizabeth's step-son. Which made him Mira's uncle.

As the family started to grow so did he's feelings but he didn't know how to control them. He has been in love only once in his life time he didn't know how to like a person. So spring break came around and everything about Jason started to change. He seemed like he found someone to call bae. Who was that person, that made him this way was she short and mixed with long beautiful hair? Why yes yes she was. Jessica was this person she made him believe again she made him the person that he is today. On the 3rd day of spring break, Jessica and Jason began to flirt. And they talked they did  this for a couple days. Jessica was going through a break up and Jason didn't want to tell her how he felt because he knew what she was going through. So he did what he thought was best. He said, "Jessica if he's dumb enough to let a girl like you he doesn't love you like he says he does. Jessica I love you so if you need to talk I'm here.""Thx Jason you're my boy best friend",said texted right back.

Jason wasn't the type of person to jump to conclusions but he gave her time. But as more and more time past he feel deeper and deeper in love with her. So Jason birthday was during spring break. On his birthday he talked to Jessica all day long and finally he popped the question. " Jessica will you go out with me"? "I don't know, let me think about it" she answered. "Yeah yeah take all the time you need". He replied. But he only said that dumb ass shit to make it seem like he wasn't rushing it. When the "family" returned to school Jason couldn't help but notice the true beauty of Jessica. The same thing ran through his mind each time she passed by  "Jessica Rodriquez my girlfriend". Through the period of four days they talked about nothing. That phrase just kept  running through his mind. In fourth period Jason told  Elizabeth his plan to ask Jessica to the eighth grade formal. Not knowing that Elizabeth has feelings for him.

Elizabeth decided to help Jason because,she didn't wanna tell Jason how she felt. But ironically Jason knew that something was up but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. So he went to someone he trusted. He went to Mark. Who's Mark you may ask. Well Mark is the male friend I told i was going to tell you about later. Well surprise it's later. So he went up to mark and asked him," Does  Elizabeth like me"!  "Dude". He respond quite confused Jason because he never paid that much attention towards Elizabeth's actions, " How could you not fucking tell that she likes you. I mean she's been throwing hints at you for weeks".  "She has" Jason asks  not knowing how he knew so much about  Elizabeth. " My God, you don't know anything do you! Why in the world would she offer to help you ask Jessica to the formal if she didn't like you". "I'm not following your logic" Jason says said as he paced back and forth. "Ha logic you think it's logic, look I can't tell you if you like her not but she likes you. Point Blank Period! 

"But how can you be so sure that she likes me....I mean how can you stand here and say that she likes me with no facts"?  Jason ask as he heads for the door. "My child my child there is so much for you to learn" Mark replies with a histarical laughter.  Both mark and Jason walked towards Elizabeth to ask if she indeed likes Jason.

Jason is nervous of course but he just had to know because he did have a crush on Elizabeth when he first arrived to Stone Mountain High School. "Liz!" "Liz!" Mark exclaims.  "I have a question for well Jason has a question for you!" Can you please tell this dumb ass baboon that you don't like me please, Jason asks neverously  not knowing while she was going to say yes or. Jason really wanted Elizabeth to say no because he didn't want to feel award when Jessica and Elizabeth were together but at the same token he had to know. Not because he wanted to but because he had too. "Well I don't think his a Dumb ass baboon maybe just a Baboon and yes I do like you Jason I know I should've told you but you like Jessica so there was nothing I could do".

As the words feel form the lips of Elizabeth it feel like a weight had been dropped upon his shoulders. He thouhgt to his self why the hell would Jessica and Elizabeth like me at the same time. This thought traveled with him everyday thus creating the begining  of the end.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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