tag #11

31 3 23


tagged by PorkJimint and mai-eo  (i h8 u >:[)  and anyone else idk ive forgotten xD 

and -smolwoozi (hoonpais are meant to be lazy)

and -smolwoozi (hoonpais are meant to be lazy)

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13 MORE facts about me!? ToT

1) recently cut my hair, and i actually look good w h a t (or at least, better than before lulz)

2) entomophobic and semi- chronophobic

3) never pays any attention in class but always aces like a pro

4) gets uncomfortable when someone asks me who's my 'best friend'. Honestly, stop.

5) likes TWICE, but thinks that they are a bit TOO overrated.

6) loves to travel to NEW places, but at the same time, gets homesick easily

7) as of June 2016, I am entering my 7th month into kpop wow that was fast

8) has two tests tomorrow but isnt ready at all

9) hasn't downloaded an English song in 900 years or smth

10) lives for memes

11) when I dance my stomach starts hurting. Therefore, can only dance to BTS songs in potato ver.

12) has pretty smol hands

13) braces off on July 12 yehettttt

I tag no one.




you arent obliged tho.... 

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