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Zane..... Zane......

I woke up from that dream. God it was weird but good. Aphmau's Zane is so cute. Wish he was real.

But what if he was.....

I got up from bed to get ready for school. While doing that I had this weird feeling but in a good kind of way but I just brushed it off. After I got ready and said bye to my parents I saw Lizzy and Mary, my friends waiting out side for me.

"Hurry your ass up. We're going to be late!" Liz yelled

"Ok I'm coming."

"What took you forever?" Mary asked

"Oh nothing..." I smiled thinking of Zane.

One we got to school we went to our first class of the day. As I walked in my math class I was kinda late cause we were taking our time coming to school. I sat done and looked up. I didn't noticed it before but we had a new student. He looked kinda familiar but I couldn't think of anything until he said his name.

"I'm Zane"

I just sat there shocked and confused but mostly having a small freaking out moment.

The fuck.....

A/N ok so this is for one of my very dear and special friends Ships_4life_21 I love this girl but hate as well but yeah! Here is her obsession with Zane from APHMAU

Someone like her|| ZaneWhere stories live. Discover now