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Hey Felix,

Today I saw a cheesy quote : "I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes". It made me think of you.

I assume you must tell yourself it's because I see us lasting forever. And you're completely wrong.

I already thought about my future. Ours.
And that's the thing Felix, I can't see anything. I promise I try so, so hard.
I force myself to imagine us holding hands in front of an altar, me delivering our first child, us growing old together.
It feels wrong. My face becomes blurry in my own mind. There's only you remaining there.

I'm scared. I don't see myself growing old. I didn't even want to.

You know what's scarier? I have you now. I'm not a coward anymore, I want a future.
I see none.

A blur.
Please, don't stop loving me when

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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