Bad News-34

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uniult i got this text fro m Louis i s said

Louis: Liam and Niall got in a wreck.

I was shock. i could not belive this what happen i started to cry and i saw Lacey come down stairs.

"mum what wrong "she ask me

"your  father and  Niall got in a wreck sweetie" i told  her and she started to cry and i hugged her

"i do not want to loose dad mum" she cried

"i do not either hes at the hospital here okay go tell your brother and your sisters  okay sweetie and we will go see him "i told her and she walk up stairs





















*at the hospital*

it was a quite Ride to the hostipal i was Nervous  and their tour was cancel i felt sorry for the  guys and every thing.

i park in the parking spot and we all got out and walk all in and we saw  Louis.

"goodness i through  y'all would never come "he told me as i hugged him

"yeah a long drive where we live Louis u know that . how Liam" i ask him

"hes doing fine nothing broken or any thing" Louis told us

"i neeed to go see him what room is he "i  ask him

"follow me "said Louis walk ing to his room which was down the hall

i  walk in i was happy  he was okay .

"kayla " Liam squeak out and i hugged him

"i through i lost u Liam"i told him

"yeah i through i lost u too honey" he said kissing me

The all of hug together
























*Later at night*

"Liam we have to go home ths kids are tired "i told him

"i know they are  but can u stay  a little bit longer i missed u over night "he ask me

"Liam Honey  i need to go i have work  tomorrow and  kid have school tomorrow too i promise at lunch i come and eat with u  that sounf perfect Honey"i ask him

"alraight that sound good guy scome give your dad a hug "he said the the kids

thenwe all hug and we left  to go home
























*At Midnight*

i got out of the bathroom nd i saw the twin standing there and i was wear my out fit  which was kinda sexy but not really .

"mommy we can not sleep "they both said

"well u need to sweeties  let go to your bed room okay "i said grabbing the  both hands and walking to there room

"okay guy  if u do nto go to bed u wont get to see daddy tomorrow okay "i told them

"okay mom we will go to sleep " they said as the got in bed and  i tuck the ina dn kissed them both and walk out and closed their door and walk back to me and Liam room.

i got a text from Liam.

Liam: good night sweetie i see u tomorrow  bye

Me : i love u too  honey  i see u tomorrow  try and get some rest  for me  bye love u  maybe we can have a mommy and daddy day this weekend  how about that

Liam :okay  that sound great  bye love you

Me: bye

after that i got in bed and  when to sleep and through about Liam all day long

then i heard my alarm go off


hey guys i been on writer block so  i finally  got it done  yay

enjoy this chapter



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