It Was Always You

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It was a beautiful day to take a walk through Lyra Forest. The sky was lightly overcast, it was quiet outside, and no contests were taking place in Ringtown or any of the surrounding areas that week.

May ventured through Labyrinth Grove. It was peaceful and serene; perfect for calming the spirit. She was much more collected now about the whole romance situation. She wasn't even longing for Sam anymore. But during her long walk, she had a premonition:

Someone standing out in the distance; a mystery man.

All she could see was his silhouette, but he gave off the most loving aura.

He held his hand out to her as she approached and had the sweetest smile.

He whispered "I love you" and she took his hand,

And they walked off out of sight together, as the leaves kept falling from the trees behind them.

Snapping out of her trance, she came into a smokey part of the forest. A Murkrow had used a haze attack and it thickened fast, making it hard to see anything through the blackness. Bumping into trees and other foliage, she felt hopelessly lost and thought she might not see the light of day again. It was getting hard to breathe. The haze was getting thicker and soon, her vision was completely clouded by the darkness and breathing was not possible.

All of a sudden, a strong gust of wind came. The smoke cleared and May ran out of there as quickly as possible. High up in the sky, she saw a Flygon soaring away.


She was finally approaching the end of the forest. She had been out all day and the sun was setting. Reaching the end, she saw someone standing there in the distance. A man.

Am I in my premonition again?

The Flygon floated down towards this man. Getting closer, she could finally see who this man was.

"Drew? Is that you?"

"It is." He was holding a rose in his hand.

"What are you doing here? There aren't any contests..."

He slowly started walking towards her. "I know. I came to see you."

"Me? Why? I-"

"May, remember that time we were at the Wintown train station? You were telling me about that guy you wanted to ask to Fall Con, and I told you that sometimes we need to take risks."

She looked down. "Drew, I don't really want to think about Fall Con and all that right now."

He continued. "Now it's my turn to take a risk. I... figured I should take my own advice."

"...What do you mean?"

There was a pause.

He spoke softly. "I like you, May. Always have."

In that moment, it all became clear. That mystery man... it was Drew. It was always Drew.

What was I doing all this time?

Chasing after Sam, Neil... guys who had no interest in her and hardly even cared about her at all. But all that time, there Drew was, standing there at the end of the road waiting for her, with a rose in hand and ready to take her away.

When the epiphany ended, she finally managed, "Drew... you're the mystery man?

"Mystery man?"

"...Nevermind." In the spur of the moment she ran up and threw her arms around him.

It was always you.

She backed up and gave him a sassy look. "Well, Mr. Rose, it looks like you've become pretty humble. When did this happen?"

He flipped his hair and smirked. "It comes and goes."

"Drew... you flipped your hair. It's good to have the real you back."

That caught him off guard. He hadn't realized that it had been so long since he flipped his hair. He never did that around Liz and never felt the need to after she was gone. There was no one he felt the need to impress. Not until now.

"Wait... what about that girl Liz? You seemed to really like her. I thought-"

"It's over with Liz. It didn't work out because... because you were always more important to me. You shine brighter than anyone."

He tossed her the rose.

May was blushing. She never imagined he could be such a hopeless romantic. At the same time, he was still his cool, cocky self. She loved that.

She took him by the hand. "Drew, let's go. Let's leave Fiore, and go somewhere, anywhere. We don't have to go to the Grand Festival. We don't have to make such an idol out of the ribbon cup. I just want us to be together again."

He thought for a moment, flipped his hair, and smiled at her. "Let's do it, Ace."

The two hopped on a ferry and rode off into the distance. Onto new horizons once more.


A/N: I really don't like how this last chapter came out; I suck with endings. Also, I haven't watched the episodes with Drew and all them in about a year, so any OOCness is probably because of that.

As far as "Ace" goes... I think I've been watching too much Gilmore Girls lately...

This story was super different from the ones I've written in the past and I'm not sure how I feel about it. But I would love to know from others. Please feel free to review with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. If you hated it, thought it sucked, etc. then tell me WHY. Just saying you hate it doesn't help me improve for the future. And if there were good things you liked, let me know about those things too so I know to gravitate towards them in future stories. (:

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