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Oh, hi!

If you're here, hoping for a nice, cute little story about a small child...

Then this book probably isn't very much for you. Because this is about me, Reynaldo Eastern... er... Reshruem. That's not my last name anymore, and I think you can figure out why. It's easy to figure out. Too easy. 

Even a baby would know why.


I was born on 2998, May 15th in a town called Chestrien. I wasn't a very interesting looking child, but my mom thought so... 

I had red hair, with emerald green eyes, along with tan skin. My parents put me in a sweater that was white, because it apparently 'brought out my eyes' and they also made me wear black shorts. I wore regular socks on my feet, no shoes. 

My parents... they were the kind of people that you would invite to a party. 

My mother, Kate Savannah Reshruem, had red hair with emerald green eyes. Her skin was pretty pale from never being outside. She always wore matching clothes, like a blue and white dress, white leggings, and blue boots. And she always seemed to wear make-up that matched her clothing, too. 

And my father... Dominic Richard Reshruem. He had deep red hair, with milky green eyes. He had tan skin, because he loved the outdoors. He wore nothing but a simple grey hoodie and grey shorts and sandals. 

I had 9 older siblings. Most of them were girls... unfortunately. Most of them looked more like my father than my mom, which was kind of weird. I felt like I was the only one who looked more like my mom. But, there was my oldest brother, Ritzu, who looked plenty like her.

Before I was born, my parents were popular among my town. Everybody knew them. My parents were extremely nice to everyone, and they weren't at all bad people. My siblings always told me that my mom was some kind of fashion model, stupidly, while my dad worked with paintings.

My mom was the nerd of all nerds, but she was pretty. She was pretty squeamish and clumsy, too. My dad was a complete goof ball, loving the outdoors - as I had mentioned earlier - and very active. He also loved to read books. They were both two lovable dorks. 

Then I came along...

When my mom first set eyes on me, she was... disgusted by the sight of me. My dad was the same. It was like I was the most hideous thing that they've ever seen. It really brought me down.

I can always overhear my mom complaining that I wasn't 'the right gender' or 'I was too small' or some other insulting thing. 

Summary: They HATED my guts. 

What made things worse, was that my dad ended up being fired from the guy who ran the painting place he went to, and he was furious. My mom started to bring me to the fashion shows she went to all the time, and dressed me up in all of these embarrassing clothes that matched hers after my dad was 'fired'. This led me to think that my mom was using me as a fasion statement, because she never payed attention to me when we were all home. When she was paying attention to me, it was because she was either stressed or she was dressing me up. People could see the embarrassment and hate in my eyes, but they never bothered to even help me. And when the show was over, they'd fangirl and fanboy all over me and my mom, and it was even more embarrassing that the actual show itself. The only person who didn't really fangirl was a woman named Stalagmite. She looked to be about 14 at the time. 

When we were home, I was always hiding in my room. Because whenever I came out, it was always pain. And more pain. And even more pain. As you can probably guess: my parents were abusive towards me. It was mostly my father though. No one but them and my siblings knew though, since my dad or mom always hit me on my torso, arms, or legs. They never stopped hitting me until they either got bored, I got away, or my siblings saved me. 

But it was worse outside...

A lot of kids my age were extreme bullies. They referred to me as an 'it' rather than a 'he/him'. They did really mean things, like put a fox muzzle on me, beat me up with objects like wooden swords, and they called me names. No one really liked me... except for the few friends I had. We normally hung around until they had to go home or until my mom was forcing me to go to one of her fashion shows. They never knew about the abuse, because I never told them about it. I have had made a few mistakes, like wearing a short sleeved shirt when I went to see them, or wear shorts too short. I always said that I fell or something, but I could tell that they were getting suspicous. Their parents ask me daily if I'm being abused, but I say that I'm not, and that I'm just really clumsy. 

But, I think I may have accidentally told one of them during my 'fits'.

What I mean by 'fits' are mental breakdowns. I was born with a thing called 'Silver's Depression'. It may sound like some kind of unimportant depression, but it was worse than a normal depression. The mental breakdowns in this depression includes screaming, sobbing, and saying that you want to die. You'll have a adreneline rush, and you'll barely be able to breathe. If you're not held down and you find something sharp, you'll probably be dead in the next hour. When you are not having a breakdown, there's a random chance that you'll have a panic attack out of the blue. You could also develop dermatitis, you might get severe nightmares, memory loss, epilepsy, dehydration, and if you needed to eat, anorexia. You are supposed to have only 1 - 2 fits a year... but I normally have over 20. Not that my parents care...

Now back to the telling of the abuse...

I think I might have told one of my friend's parents, because the next day, guards broke into our house and demanded for my parents to hand me over. Since abuse is a very, very illegal thing in my town, my parents tried to dodge the bullet when the guards mentioned to them about the abuse thing. 

Unfortunately, they were able to convince the guards that they weren't abusing me. 

And about thirty minutes later, my dad barged into my room and screamed at me for the next hour or so, and gave me a hard blow to the arm before leaving. 

Since I've probably bore you enough, I'm just going to leave you with the story now. I hope you enjoy it... probably won't. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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