You make me crazier

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I sat at the table,idly sipping my tea.I was thinking about the girl Jamie (Louis Fiance)introduced me to.Her name was Emily,and she was beautiful.She had elecrtic green eyes,medium length brown,curly hair with blonde streaks in it,and golden tanned skin.She was also very strong,when she shook my hand after Jamie introduced us,I could feel her solid,steady grip.

While I was in my trance,I hadn't noticed Louis walking in."Get ready shirly temple,me,you,Jamie ,and Emily are going bowling.",He said,ploping in the chair across from me."where you gonna ask nicely?"I said with a smirk.Louisrolled his eye"Oh harold!would you please,kindly like to go bowling with me,and my hot Fiance,and her hot friend?I would be such an honor."he said with the most sarcastic tone ever.

"Only if I dont have to drive peasant."I said equally as sarcatic."No worries mate,Emily is picking us all up,Now go take a shower you smell like sweaty gym socks."

I got up,and stapped my fingers in a sassy way,earning a chuckle from Louis.

After I got out of the shower,I walked into my room and dropped my towel on the floor,wishing I could be like this in front of Emily,the girl of my dreams.I dried myself off,and decided on a leather jacket,jeans,a white scarf,and brown shoes.

I styled my hair(AN:pun intended)and plopped down on the couch next to louis,awaiting Emily and Jamie to pick us up. "There here."Louis said,after getting a text from Jamie.

I Followed Louis to the front door,and opened it,letting him out first,I follwed him to the black camaro,with tinted windows.The drivers door opened,and I stifled a gasp.

Emily was wearing a white shirt,a dark brown jacket ,tight jeans,and light brown boots with the heels being probably 6 inches ,her chocalate curls falling on her shoulders.Jamie stepped out of the passengers door,wearing red lipstick,a preatty,purple shirt, a black scarf,tight jeans,and 7 inch,black fuzzy boots ,her straight,brown hair down her back.

"Hey"was all Emily saidsaid,looking down at her shoes,cleary nervous.

"Awwww is emi nervous?"Jamie said after she been kissed louis him lifting her feet off the ground and spinning her around.

"In your dreams,hooker boots!"Emily said,playfully punching her arm.

We all laughed at that. Jamie sat in the back,with Louis,them kissing and whispering in eachothers ears.

I sat in the front with Emily,and I must say ,she drove preatty fast.

"Annnd here we are",she said pulling up to the bowling alley.Jamie and louis reluctuntly pulled apart and got out of the car,only for louis ton put his arm around Jamie's waist.I was the first one to walk through the doors,with Emily walking right behind me.

I paid for emily's way into the bowling alley,and Louis payed Jamie's way.

As we walked in, Emily saw a person dressed up as dora the explorer."DORA!!!"she shouted,run towards dora to get a picture,The rest of us falling into histerics as she snapped a picture with the person in the costume."what?"she said defensively as she walked calmy back to the three of us."you're a three year old in a 20 year old's body!"jamie said

After a fun filled night of bowling,we decided to go to an ice cream truck,on the corner.Emily ordered a fun looking,rainbow colored ice cream,with colorful sprinkles,and chocolate chips,that matched her personality perfectly.

We sat at a pick-nick table,and joked around while we ate our icecream,emily and I wear starting to get warmed up to eachother.

But I soon ended up staring at her eyes as shesmiled and made funny faces at Jamie and soon as she looked at me,she started staring at me too,and I felt like time had slowed,and me and her wear the only two people in the world.Her eyes darted from my lips,to my eyes,making it clear what she wanted,and slowly,we found that we were soon kissing softly at the pik-nik table.

"Awwwww"I heard Jamie and louis coon,and I could feel Emily smiling into the kiss.her breath smelled of strawberries,and it made me all jittery inside.

But soon we both pulled away,and Jamie and Emily decided to have a high heel race down the side walk.

"On your marrrks.get set.gooooo."me and Louis said together,following then down the side walk.So far Jamie was winning,"SHOO LAWDY DAY DON'T MAKE THE FAT GIRRL RUNNNN!"Emily said loudly,making the four of us laugh."OW!" I screamed,my leg got caught in the side walk,and I hit my head on the ground,hard."HAZZA!"Louis screamed.Emily helped me stand up,and I stumbled,louis catching me."You okay haz?"Jamie said."yeah,just a little light headed" I tried to contradict."lets get you home babe."Emily said.

louis tried to carry me to emily's car,but Emily just gave him a 'Igotthis' look,and he agreed to let her try.

"Guys,Im fine,I can walk"I said"Nope your getting carried,because your gonna pass out if you walk."louis said scooping me into his arms,and carrying me to Emily's car


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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