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"So, (f/n)-chan, you've decided to have a party for your birthday, huh. Great," Nekomata grinned, "I'll throw you a big one. Bigger than your first birthday with the agency.

"Yes, sir. Well then, I'll see you later. Ah, and be sure to tell everyone to keep one their toes within the invitations." You reminded him before turning on your heal and exiting his office.

Nekomata couldn't help but smirk. "That's my gal."

"Hurry the hell up, (f/n)." Kuroo continued to honk his horn at you. "Party City is waiting for us!"

"Again...why are we going to Party City?" You opened up the car door and plopped yourself down inside. Closing the door, you strapped yourself and crossed your limbs, as usual.

"To get you decorations, duh." Kuroo drove away from the curb.

"So you're saying that an all white dress-code isn't enough for you?"

"No way! We're going all out for your 21st birthday."

"Hm...Seems like you're way excited for this than Nekomata-san."

"!" Kuroo flushed. "That's not it, okay. We just need to get stuff for the party..."

"If you say so, senpai." You glanced out the window.

"So, why'd you pick an all white dress-code for your party?"

"Blood looks pretty on white, doesn't it."

"The heck...?" Although puzzled, Kuroo decided to leave it alone until the night of. "Oh, that's right, you're not going to be inviting the owls...are you?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"They're nothing but trouble!"

"That may be true, but they aren't our enemy, senpai. They are valuable allies, just as much as the crows. We have another bird that needs to be taken care of. We need them; anyway I've already sent invitations to them already, since they live relatively far away from our agency."

"...I don't understand why we need those bastards but if that's who you want to invite, then fine. I've no right in who can and can't come anyways."

"Senpai, you're sulking."

"I'm not sulking...." 'Well...maybe just a little bit...' "I just don't need that damned owl flirting with you." Kuroo blushed.

"I'm not interested in Bokuto-san, and anyway," you glanced over at him, "why are you concerned about that?"

"!" Kuroo's blush deepened. "D-don't worry about it, alright!"

"...Weirdo." Your eyes fixed back onto the road.




"(F/n)-chan! Happy Birthday~!!" Rang 2 crows who skipped into the foyer of Nekomata's home. "We brought presents!"

"Thank you, I'm glad that could make it." You smiled.

"Thunk!" The both of them held tightly onto their chest with great joy.

"...Thunk...?" You cocked a brow. 'That's new.'

"Right you guys, that's enough!" With strong arms to rake Tanaka and Nishinoya away, you followed them up to their owner. "Don't worry about those guys, (f/n)-chan."

"Daichi-san, I'm glad that you could make it."

"I wouldn't miss it for anything...well except if a mission came about." He grinned. "The owls aren't here yet? I don't see them."

"I just texted Akaashi-kun a few minutes ago. They should be her any--"

"Hey, hey, hey! We've arrived!!!" Screeched a particular showy owl. "Where's the birthday girl?!" Bokuto placed his hand on his forehead and searched for you through the crowd.

"You're too damn loud, stupid owl. Take a hors d'oeuvre and pipe down already." Kuroo appeared before Bokuto and Akaashi like a waiter, holding a plate of appetizers.

"Oooh, don't mind if I do." Bokuto snatched the plate out of Kuroo's hand and began to consume anything and everything on the plate.

"You-! Don't eat everything you fucking glutton!"

"You all made it."

"(f/n)-chan, there you are." Bokuto forced whatever he had in his mouth down his throat.

"We would have been here earlier, but Bokuto-san-"

"Ah, ah, ah! You don't have to tell everyone!" Bokuto flew in front of Akaashi to stop him from continuing his sentence. Blushed covered his cheeks as he looked back and forth between you and Akaashi.

Akaashi let out a brief sigh and showed Bokuto from being in his way. "Everyone is here then?" Akaashi asked, looking around to see those from Karasuno and Nekoma.

"Yes, now we wait," you crossed your arms firmly over your chest, "and hope this all turns out well."

"Wait for what?" Kuroo turned to you. "(f/n), you still haven't explained yourself from the other day."

"Don't worry about it, senpai." You reassured him.

"Bokuto, do you know anything?"

"Huh? Of course I do." He smirked. "What, you do know?"

"No, he doesn't." You answered for Kuroo, while secretly giving Bokuto a sharp glare.

"What the h-"

"(f/n), where are you?" Stopping Kuroo mid-sentence was a deep voice that ricocheted off the walls of the place and caught the attention of everyone.

"Wakatoshi-san..." You answered to the owner of the voice. "It's been a long time since we've seen each other."

"Two nights before you disappeared for good, am I correct?" As he continued to advance, a path was made leading towards you.

"(f/n)...who the hell is that guy?" Kuroo turned to you with creased brows. Still he could get no answer from you.

You steadily watched as Ushijima walked right on up to you. All was calm and silent in the room, and only his footsteps could be heard.

"Your voice has changed...and it seems that you aren't the happy little girl that I new back then." He towered over you. His eyes as serious as you had remembered them to be. "Even still," his hand reached out and caressed your soft cheeks, "I've missed you, dearly."

"Is that so." You casually eased into his hand, allowing your own hand to cover his.

'What the fuck...' Kuroo was clearly getting more pissed by the second. But what barely sent him over the edge, was the next scene that played out before him.

As Ushijima picked a few strands of hair from near your cheek, he eased it behind your ear, and then swiftly delve in for a quick kiss to your lips. "I'll be taking you home for good, once this party is over." He coolly whispered.

'Who the fuck is this guy?!'

"Senpai, I'd like you to meet my fiance, Wakatoshi-san."

And just like that, a thousand weights had plummeted to the bottom of Kuroo's stomach, and not to mention heart. "Fiance...."

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