Hello , my name is Liana I'm a vampire , I live in the realm of magic land with my father Billy and my sister Megan , my mother was killed by a werewolf our main enemies .
The kingdom of magic land has various mystical beings vampires , werewolves , witches, goblins , fairies and worst of all demons .
There are three evil demons Kia , Lark and Myndi every were afraid of them .
I'm stubborn , my father wants to protect me from everything and I want to be free , feliz.Eu am passionate about the werewolf Corbin one to believe , but I have no courage , no permission to talk to him , my dad would go mad if I did.
But I'll let the narrator tell .....
One day until Lian was the center of learning.
Well, the work students will need everyone to do doubles, but I 'll choose Mafalda and Carmita , Jack and Emma and Liana ....... and Corbin .
- Hi ! Corbin I know we're enemies , but posemos be friends !
SIM - clear and because vampires hate werewolves ?
My father and the head vampire and werewolf killed my mother , ever since the two are enemies , but we're ruining it! !
Kia , Lark and Myndi invaded the kingdom of magic land at night , they entered the king's castle Eraclus and stole the three most precious relics of the golden chalice , the clinically manifest and the black king's crown .
The king could not leave the kingdom , then he called everyone in the room and the subjects sortiaria three beings of magic land .
Now is the day of the draw ....
- Hello , subjects I called everyone here to say that the trio of demons led artifacts magical land of magic , then I will select three young people to retrieve these itens.O wizard first and Antony , and the second and last Corbin werewolf and vampire Liana .
At the time Liana 's father did not like the idea and asked to review that decision , but left because she did not want to go on this adventure , but before she would leave he said :
Daughter , he is careful and werewolf , do not forget that it was one that killed his mother and you can not like him understand , I love you daughter.
Before beginning the adventure King explained :
- You will pass through the desert of water , then the forest of bones and finally the Shadow Realm where the demons are , take care and very dangerous .
On the way the three were getting to know better until they came into the wilderness of waters .
- Beware ! - Antony said
Because so - and a desert ! ! - Said liana
- Why you open your eyes emergence sea of nothing and drown all trying to pass, and vaificar harder it will get for motes in the eyes , then we said la. - antony
They crossed but Corbin was about to open his eyes, but was almost at the end but when he could not resist and opened his eyes to a lot of water comes out of nowhere , Antony managed to reach the other side , but Liana not swim , was drowning when Corbin jumps in the water and pull it the other way .
Antony found a shiny stone and put it in her purse .
Well, now let's continue our adventure - said Liana
Already it was night and Antony decided to stop to rest .
It was a beautiful night and then Corbin Liana começarma talking :
- Liana , you have the angry werewolf ?
- They killed my mother , but I 'm not angry and not because you want to know corbin ?
Oh so long I want to tell you , I like you very much , indeed I love you !
At the time Liana remembered what his father said " Not sure it was one that killed his mother and you can not like it "
And even , but I do not like you , I'm sorry , now let's sleep - said liana
When morning came they returned adventure. Few days later ....
- Finally arrived! Forest bones here need not worry because it is desert and nothing will happen .
But it would not be so easy so when they were on the way , some bones began to join and form skeletons , but not any skeleton, a skeleton that had consciousness .
- Hello intruders what they're doing here in the forest of bones ?
We're here at the behest of the king magic land , there are some days Kya , Larke Myndi stole the precious relics of the king and the kingdom until now we Shadows recover these relics . - Antony said .
- If ya wanna get out of here as a guarantee one of you will have to stay .
This was a difficult decision , but Antony was .
Oh and one more thing makes this stone ! !
- What's that ? asked liana
That will bring you guys back! II
Antony took the stone that he had to Liana and now they went up to the Shadow Realm recover the relics ,
The three demons were waiting Liana and Corbin , then each grabbed a relic and fled , less Lark that was to kill Liana and Corbin .
Finally the Shadow Realm , a place awful , full of evil , which did not exist alegria.Pra reach the castle they had to go through a river full of rotting bodies forgotten , but then came to the castle , they come in and it was with the Lark golden chalice .
- Hello , I want to warn you that only the golden chalice is here ! - Said lark
What ? How so ? corbin said .
- The king's crown this with Kya and diamond black with Myndi this and now you'll have to face me said Lark .
The first thing he did was play , a ball of dark energy in Liana , she was just stopping longe.Ficou Corbin , as he was werewolf was fast and agile , he ran back and picked up the chalice .
But Lark took Liana and threatened :
Me returns the chalice now or I'll kill your girlfriend ! shouted lark
-No , wait I hand the chalice but first give me back the Liana ! said corbin
As he was stupid he returned Liana , but not Corbin gave the chalice .
- What are you doing ? shouted Lark
I'll send you to another world " golden chalice magic land , I command you to send this creature unenlightened soul to another dimension " said corbin
And so they sent Lark to another world and one of the relics recovered .
Liana wanted to say how much I wanted to stay with him but could not .
They swallowed the stone and turned to magic land .
The whole kingdom celebrated the recovery of one of itens.O father Antony did a spell and brought him back .
The king met everyone and said :
Thank you young warriors , but the adventure is not over yet , but we still have reason to celebrate! ! said the king
And so in the end everyone was happy .
Master what should we do now? - Said Myndi
I quro - end one werewolf , but still missing two relics and adventure começando.Eu so this will kill all the werewolves . ? ? ?