The Lake

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Jaden's POV:

“Food's here!” Teo yelled as we walked back to the lake.

“Babe, I've missed you.” Pia ran up to him.

“I did too. Here I got you a grape flavour slurpee.” He blushed handing her one.

“Here Stella, I got you a slurpee and some watermelon.” I smiled walking to her. She smiled ear to ear as she thanked me. I looked over to find Ann and Mike sharing a watermelon then they kissed. Ewww! I'm going to puke. Stella and I linked arms, walking to the others.

“Dude, I dare you to slip an ice cube in Stella's shirt.” Mike whispered to me as Ann went to the cooler.

“No!” I paused. “If I do it, will you do the same to Ann?” I smirked. They would definitely break up right?

“Fine.” He laughed as we both walked to the cooler. Anita was talking to Pia, Jacque and Stella. We both grabbed a couple ice cubes walking over to them.

“Hey Ann, can I have a kiss?” Mike said hiding the cubes behind his back. She leaned in to kiss him as he dropped it down her shirt. Ann screamed punching him in the arm. Yes! Mike gave me a quick glance as I gulped. Stella's probably going to kill me.

“Stella, how's your slurpee?” I held the ice cubes in one hand.

“It's great! Thank you for...” She was looking at Ann when I dropped the cube down her back. She cursed under her breathe, shaking it out of her shirt. After she did, she gave me a death glare as I backed away.

“Hold this.” She handed Jacque her slurpee walking towards me.

“I'm sorry! Mike dared me to.” I whispered as I walked backwards.

“I don't care if it was just a dare.” She smirked evilly. I shrieked.

“Oh snap! She's going to kill you.” Moi laughed as everyone watched.

I kept walking backwards as Stella walked forward. I looked over at Teo for help when she began running. I ran backwards when I tripped over the cooler. Stella was still running, because the next thing I know, she fell over the cooler too and landed on top of me. We both laughed as I looked into her big, brown eyes. We both were looking into each others eyes as someone cleared their throat.

“Are you love birds done?” Pia grinned. Stella blushed getting off of me and walking back to the girls.

Stella's POV:

I sat on the sand (more like pebbles) as I watched everyone swim in the lake. I wasn't in the mood to swim. I was in deep thought while I was scrolling through Twitter. I was thinking about everything. Why do I feel so awkward around Jaden? He could always make me smile, but sometimes made me want to kill him because of his pranks. Did I like him? I shook the thought out of my head. He would never like me back. He loves Anita. She's like a goddess to him. I slapped myself mentally to get the fact across my head. Don't fall for him! Don't you dare!He's only pretending to date you to make Ann jealous. I continued to scroll through Twitter.

“Why aren't you swimming with us?” I heard a voice. I looked up to find Jaden grabbing his towel. He was shirtless and WOW! Dang, he was fine! Wait no! Don't say that! I was speechless and frozen. “Stella?” He came closer as he patted his damp hair. I bit my lip. Damn!

“Yeah?” I hardly choked out.

“Are you okay?” He kneed down in front of me as I closed my phone.

“Never better.” I lied. I couldn't help, but look at his abbs.

“Fine, don't tell me, but you will soon.” There was a long pause. “I'm sorry about the ice cube. Mike dared me, and I thought if he did it they would break up, but she obviously forgave him.” Jaden explained as we looked at Mike grabbing Ann by the waist as she kissed him on the cheek.

“It's okay. Love can make you do crazy things.” I shrugged my shoulder looking down at my knees.

“Come on. Let's go to the lake.” He started tugging me to stand up.

“No, you go. I'll come later.” I lied again.

“No you won't. Please?” He pouted his lips like a puppy. I sighed.

“Fine. I'm coming.” I just need to take off my shirt which my bikini top was underneath.

“I'll wait.” He stood crossing his arms. Wait? What? I stood there awkwardly before turning around so my back was facing him. I quickly took of my shirt revealing my top and bare skin.

“Happy?” I stuck out my tongue turning around. He looked at me shocked. He was staring at my chest for the longest time before I crossed my arms.

“Ugh, sorry..” He scratched his neck looking away. “Let's go.” He walked away in front of me. That was awkward.

The lake was actually fun! We all swam and played monkey in the middle. I was always in the middle.

“Hey, where's the guys?” Ann asked looking around.

“That's strange. They were just here... Maybe they are over...” Pia said when they came out from behind the trees and then started throwing water balloons and spraying us with water guns.

“Oh no you didn't!” Jacque yelled as the girls grabbed their own water guns. No one seemed to notice I was standing by a rock. I look around till I found Mateo meeting eye contact with me. He was about to throw a balloon at me when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

“Don't worry, you're safe here.” I heard a familiar voice. It was Jaden.

“When did you know how to climb?”

“Ever since I was little. It's always relaxing up here.” He smiled.

“Relaxing? Or you just climbed up trees to spy on Ann?” We both started laughing. We were both dripping wet. I was looking away.

“Jaden I...” I turned to look at him when he was on the ground protecting Ann from a water balloon.

“Thanks J.” Ann smiled.

“That's what best friends are for.” He blushed. She kissed him on the cheek before walking away.

“Did you see that?” He jumped up and down looking at me. I rolled my eyes. Yep, he will never love me.


I feel so sorry for Stella :(

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