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Gray stared at the girl madly

" what are you going to do to me ?" said Gray still struggling to get out of the rope 

" what am I going to do to you " said the girl laughing " I'm going to do nothing your punishment is up to King Toma " said the girl with an evil smirk on her face

" who are you exactly " Gray questioned

she frowned and sighed "  princes Erza the eldest Child of Toma  also know as Titania " said Erza not so happy with what she just said

" you don't seem so happy about that" Gray said

Erza raised her voice " WHY DO YOU CARE" she yelled

the throne  room door swung open

a solder went in the throne with a paper in hand

" Gray Fullbuster punishment will be put on a later date do to some difficulties " said the guard and he walked off

Gray sighed " thank God " he said to himself

" before I untie you tell why you do all these bad things" said Erza

" fine.." said Gray in defeat he knew he could not win a argument against this girl  

" my parents both died about 6 years ago.. before they died my mom gave birth to a little girl named Ultear my little sis she is 12 right now   I raised her" I said looking at Erza

" so you steal food and stuff so she can eat and stuff" said Erza

" right..." said Gray

Erza sighed " should I  believe you" questioned Erza

" that is your choice " said Gray as he lowered his head

" UNTIE HIM " Erza gave a order to one of the guards

before Gray could say anything he was untied

" t-thank you " he said Gray started to walk off

" WAIT " Erza yelled

Gray stopped in his tracks and looked behind him

" GUARDS!!! follow Mr.Fullbuster to where Ultear is and bring her and Gray back here to me" said Erza sternly

" yes Ma'am " said the guards

Time Skip

Ultear hid   behind Gray

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Ultear hid   behind Gray

" this is my little sister, happy?" said Gray madly

Erza smiled " Guards take these 2 to a room " said Erza                                                                                     Gray stood there in shock

" bu-" said the guards but they could not finish

 " take to a room is what I said" said Erza sternly

then the guards took Gray and Ultear to there new room

Erza sighed and sat in her throne " I hate being a princes why could I not be knight or something cool like that" thought Erza


thank you for reading hope you enjoyed

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