Chapter 1- just a nightmare

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I shut my eyes as I pulled my knees closer to me and buried my face in them.

The screaming was loud and clear, almost like tuning up the volume to your favorite song, it just kept getting louder.

"Stoop!" my mother yelled again. I heard a crack and a hiss, the house went quiet.

I shrunk into my bed as tears pricked my eyes begging for an escape. I debated whether or not I should head down the stairs and see what was going on.

I already knew, but i liked to believe it wasn't true.

Without second thoughts, i found myself stepping away from my warm bed to the cold wooden floor. I opened my door softly and looked around. The lights were off, but i could see the dim light of the chandelier that hung next to the kitchen door.

I tip-toed down the stairs listening to my own heart beat as it sped up inside of me.

I placed my hand over my mouth and continued walking. At the foot of the stairs i could see the door of the kitchen open just a crack, and the light from inside beamed in my eyes.

"Please stop..." a soft voice begged in a hushed whisper.

I closed my eyes and tightened my grip on the chair besides me as an ear piercing scream echoed through the walls.

I burst through the door and instantly wished i had stayed in bed.

She just lay there, cold and motionless, pale and lifeless. He towered over her with an unbearable expression.

Hatred,anger, fear, and sadness swelled within me.

"Looking for something?" he asked as he clenched his fists into balls. i stepped back as he stepped towards me.

"Mom" i muttered glancing behind him at the corpse that lay on the floor. she looks peaceful, like she died a happy death. But the bruises and cuts on her face would tell you otherwise.

"Mommy's gone now" he snapped. in the blink of an eye his hard bloody hands were gripping my arm as the other pulled my hair.

I let out a piercing scream.

And just like that, i woke up. In my warm cozy bed. Droplets of sweat raced down my face and body, tears streamed down my cheeks.

I sighed running a hand through my tangled red hair, "It was just a dream," i paused, "No, a nightmare" i assured myself, my voice cracking.

I looked at my bedroom door and my eyes scanned the lock, i smiled know it was locked and felt an ounce of safety.

Looking besides me at the red clock i saw it signaled 6:45 a.m. At this time, there's no point in trying to go back to sleep, so i hastily stood up and sauntered to the bathroom for a warm bath.

School starts in two hours, that's more than enough time to get ready and walk my way there.

The sound of broken glass falling to the floor let me know that Carl, the beast i call father, is now awake as well.

I bit my lower lip as i walked out of the shower and dressed up in a pair of skinny jeans and a loose sweatshirt that was grey. i threw my hair into a lazy side braid and put my beat up converse on.

Grabbing my iPod from my bed along with my phone and my bag which i threw over my shoulder I opened my room door and walked down the stairs ready for the oncoming lecture.

I wish to be those girls that can walk into the kitchen with the smell of an early breakfast from their mom and a warm tight hug from their dad, instead, i make the breakfast and no hugs are allowed. I don't even remember the last time i hugged anyone.

I quickly made two egg omelets just how he likes them with two strips of bacon and a slice of ham on the side. orange juice and whiskey just for a drink.

He walked into the kitchen and began to eat without even thanking me, but i'm used to it. A thank you from him would mean something other than the actual meaning the word itself has.

I excused myself and walked out feeling the warm summer autumn breeze fan my hair.

I looked to my right and began my usual walk to school. It isn't that far away so in about thirty minutes i should be at school.

I plugged in my ear phones and began to listen to my music as i strolled down the side walk kicking a few rocks on the way there.


"So i told him to back off, i'm a girl, i need time!" My best friend, Taylor whined for about the fiftieth time today.

She's talking about some guy she's dated for two months that wants to take things far or something like that...

"Hey girls" our guy best friend,Harry, smiled as he approached our usual table.

Lindsay, the popular girl, scoffed and rolled her eyes. She's been obsessed with Harry since the school year started. She doesn't seem to understand why a guy like him would hang out with girls like Taylor and I, the "nerds", "outcasts", "freaks", etc..

Harry's only been at this school, McKinley High, for two years. Girls are still getting used to his ways.

"Hey Harry" i smiled. Harry and Taylor are the only people I talk to at school, i'm kind of anti-social. I'm not weird or anything, i just don't think people can be trusted easily and i find it hard to make new friends, i guess that's what put my on that list.

He sat besides me and took a bite of the tiny carrot placed on his lunch tray, "I think cafeteria foods are getting worst by the minute" he fake-gagged and Taylor and I laughed.

"Can you believe Brian wanted to take things far with me?!" Taylor burst and Harry widened his eyes and stared at me in shock, i just shrugged in response.

"Guys here don't really understand girls with that situation" he said, emphasizing the word "that".

I looked at my hands and the small bruise on my knuckles, quickly i covered it with the sleeve of the sweatshirt i was wearing.

No one has ever seen the bruises and scars on my arms and legs, it's just something i don't show at all. People think my life at home is normal, but little do they know it's a nightmare.

The bell rang and i quickly stood up, "I have to go guys, see you at last period Harry" i waved making my way out of the cafeteria.

One thing i actually love is school and Harry and Taylor, they help get my mind off of the things that happen at home and it really helps sometimes.

Sometimes, you just need someone to be there for you. Harry and Lauren are better than i thought.

They don't know about my problems at home and i don't think i'll ever be ready to tell them.

I just wish sometimes that my dad would some day randomly change and this would all just be behind in the past.

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