chapter one

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I have learned a lot about how to make a great book just from fellow authors on here. I like to read on here and I also like to read paper back or hard back books outside of wattpad now. And now I will think back to yesterday when my grandmother came down here and she came in my room and said "here are some books for you" and I said thank you and when I looked into one of the bags I saw a lot of James Patterson books and in another they were just random books and I was so happy but I had to figure out what to do with them and I eventually did figure out what to do with them. I just put all of them from biggest to smallest and from newest to oldest and I think it turned out great. I wanted to make them neat and organized well to an extent.
I have a feeling this book might be my new favorite well from the four that I have written and I think that if I ask some of my fellow authors some of who happen to be my friends on here and in real life. And if I need any ideas I will ask my friends what their opinions are and then I would say to them to please be honest and not to sugar coat anything and I would tell them if you want me to give you some constructive criticism then I hope you know that I won't sugar coat it that much unless you ask me to then I probably will sugar coat it a lot only if you ask me too so if you don't ask then my constructive criticism would be very mean and blunt.

(A/N)Soon I will post something that seems a little dark in one of my stories and I don't know which one or when but when I do please don't jump on a hate train

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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