Chapter one: The first day

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"haha" a deep and mighty voice bellowed in the distance. I started to walk towards it without thinking of what I was doing, where I was, and what had just happened. Half way through the mighty forest, I stopped and realized that I had just died. My head rushed with thoughts my heart started to pound, the earth under my feet seemed to be rumbling and swaying to make me lose my balance untill finally I settled down and kept going. I found a path that lead out of the forest and was much easier to use. After a while I arrived at a huge door. "Come" the voice from before yelled out. The door opened and a stair case that seemed to never end was before me, as I took my first step on what seemed to be a long journey the stairs collapsed on top of on another until there was just a walk way, at the end I could see a small figure. I started to walk towards it but soon I was beginning to sprint, I wondered why but I soon realized that It was because I wanted answers. I had reached the figure within ten minutes. As I stood in front of him I saw what he was...He was the devil, Lucifer him self his power was radiating it was strong, intimidating, and seemingly Everlasting it made me want to bow before him. As I started to he says "There is no need for that I am Lucifer not God." I stopped and returned to my standing position. "What is your name" he asks "I need to make sure those reapers didn't make a mistake again." As he took out a clip board with a mile long list of names that was thicker than all the seven Harry Potter books combined. "Come on I don't have all day you know." He says "uh...uh.... my name is Daxton ....Daxton Jones" I answered hastily to avoid further angering the ruler of hell. "Ah yes you are on here ...but oddly not as a name to be punished."
"A name not to be punished? I thought everyone who went to hell got punished." I asked very confused
"No. Some come here to help me with carrying out others punishment although still terrible themselfs some need to be recognized for what they've done such as you."
"Um... What is it that I have done to get this instead of punishment?" I asked ignorantly
"You have broken all ten commandments, committed several acts of violence towards the big man himself, and then broke every law that there is on earth and in the human realm." He said almost as if praising
"Oh..yeah that...that was nothing." I said while counseling a smile
"Okay enough said then follow me." I did as he said and he took me through every thing in the first day I was there he told me that I would be working for time in the human realm at a wage of seven hours and hour and I started the next day. He gave me what I needed. I didn't need sleep so I just wondered around throughout the night.

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