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After remedying himself with those heavenly blue pills and relaxing with his crew to wolf down their takeout, Mika still couldn't sit still.

Occasionally, the faint whimper or weep sounded in his head, making his hand suddenly clench or a leg jolt, a forkful of rice flinging to the floor. He was eyed down nearly all dinner by his mates, becoming the laughing stock of the night.

They were all aware of his mentality since the days they met him, and although they respected his boundaries and wished best upon his daily struggles, no one could deny the sporadic hilarious moments it caused him.

Even though some cases ate him alive...

He tossed out his empty box of rice, returning to his cozy corner on the leather couch in the living room and buried himself back under the colorful assortment of sheets. He laid in fetal position, growling to himself like a dog.

The guys were beyond used to his habitual hermit-like nature which was undeniably volatile at times. At this point, they were blind to it.

Except for Sully.

He sat on Mika's legs, slapping the blond's butt.

"What's wrong, bud?"

"Don't slap my ass. And I'm fine."

"Aw, come on. We aren't gonna play this game, are we? What is it? Constipation? Loneliness? Did Jesus Christ leave you on read? Spill it to me."

Mika flipped the covers off of his face, inhaling deeply. He stared into the chocolate eyes of his companion, signaling him to follow with a finger.

Moments later, the two sat in the darkness of Mika's attic with a lantern between them, as if a ghost story was being expounded.

Sully chewed his nail, squinting at the blue-eyed boy wrapping himself in covers. "You couldn't have gotten anyone pregnant, right?"

Mika paused, his gaze enough to make his friend regret his words. "No."

"Yeah, yeah. I had a feeling. You're too good for that."

Not to mention the "sex after marriage" vow that came with his devotion. He was raised with it and stuck with it. Luckily, that wasn't his biggest issue. He couldn't care less about the topic, earnestly.

"Alright," the brunette casually sighed, leaning back on his palms. "You alright, man?"

"That boy on the rooftop," Mika began already, a deep breath following. "...Is everywhere in my damn life. In the pool, nearly dying; lunch, getting picked on-" He could hear Sully's groan in annoyance. "-I'm not joking!"

"Bro, let it go," the brunette sang, "he's a lil kid. Of course you're gonna see him all the time. You two go to the same damn school. Just be happy he's keeping his mouth closed about what happened."

"Of course, but - that should've been the end. This kid nearly dies every time he's around me. He's like bad luck and it irks me," Mika shivered, burying his face in his palms. "I swear to God it's because I tried to kill him..."

He could envision those green puffy eyes gazing in terror at him in the darkness of his head.

"Ooo, watch out now, I think the mighty Christ has cast a spell upon you," the boy teased in a mimicking voice, rolling his eyes. Mika shot him a minatory look. "Chill. He'll live. Ain't you ever seen shy kids at Harbor Lee? They're always getting their asses whooped. It's how they learned. Was that not us when we were in middle school?"

"It was."

"And he's just on the same path, Mika. Relax. He isn't out to beleaguer you. You're just worked up because you know he knows something he shouldn't about you. Like I said, he's too afraid to do anything. He's like me approaching women," Sully snorted, playfully shoving the blond's shoulder.

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