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When they made it to Dreamland They landed in a white room."What do we do now?" said Lizza."You mean what do you do."said Grian. "Wait you leaving?Y-you can't!" said Lizza. This dream isn't about me see you later!"said Grian."Oh and watch out some of your dreams our nightmares."said Grian.Suddenly Grian disappeared and she was alone. "Hoi!"said a voice behind her.Only one person spoke like that."Temmie!"said Lizza. She turned and saw Temmie her favorite person in the underground!(TEMMIE'S DA BEST) "Hoi! Welcome to the Tem Shop!" Said Temmie."Oh my god this is a dream come true!LITERALLY!" said Lizza. Lizza looked at what Temmie was selling but it wasn't the stuff that Temmie sells in the game.Temmie was selling stuff from her dreams. Tenmie was selling candy , magic pens(explained later), and a flower crown. She wanted the flowe crown and Temmie gave it to her for free. She put it on and looked in the mirror on the table.She looked great with it on.Well she thinks she does. Then she noticed her clothes.They weren't the onesies she was wearing earlier.She looked like Frisk!(except the hair) "What!how did I get this on?" Said Lizza. She remembered what Grian said about not worrying about her clothes.At least she didn't look ugly.That was her main worry if she was with Grian."Wait Temmie how do I leave this dream? Trust me I don't want to leave but how."said Lizza. "You have to do a task each dweam!" said Temmie. "Well what's the task?"said Lizza. "You have to find out yourself silly!" said Temmie.
"What!"said Lizza. "How do I do that?!"

Lizza looked around the room to see if there was anything she could fix. She didn't find anything!"Boy I do love the Tem Shop!said Temmie. The Tem shop!Why didn't she check! Lizza saw that the Tem Shop sign was crooked. When she fixed it a door appeared at the other end of the room."Congrats!You found the way !" Said Temmie."Wait bwefore you go take this bag!It will hold all the items you cwollect!Like the flowe crown!"said Temmie. "Thanks Temmie!"Lizza said as she put the crown in her bag."I won't forget you Tem!" Lizza said as she left the room. That led her into another white room."Great.More white rooms!" Said Lizza.

[A/N if you want me to make a dream about something or someone tell me and I'll try my best!]

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