Chapter Ten "You Taste Like Dorritos"

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 dedicated to taylorross12 because her comments made me happy :)

Chapter 10 

 I'm going to be honest. his lips tasted like the chips I have on my lap. Whitch I don't mine because they are Spicy Dorritos. I love dorriotos. Except for the ranch ones. They burn my tounge. 

I pulled my lips from his embarrased from the audiance.

I will admit, I did enyoy the kiss. But I just don't think of Louis in that way. I think of him as a best friend. Not a boyfriend. He is very attractive, I will give him that. But the kiss felt so right, but so much more wrong. 

"You taste like dorriots." I mutterd wiping my lips off. "Don't ever do that again."

Louis just chuckled. "You know you love me." He looked like her was covering up the hurt.

"Actually no I don't." I said grumpily. I wonder if I'm kind of rude, he won't ever kiss me again. "Its like kissing my brother."

He looked kind of offended. "Please. You kissed me back." He said.

"Sure I did."

"Actually," Em started. "You did. You were about to slip you tounge into his mouth if we wernt here."

I gasped. "I was not!" I said defensivly.

"Actually, you were." The all five boys said together.

I turned to Em. "I can't bealive you would take there side!"

"I like them more." She joked.

"Youve known me longer."

"But have I liked you longer?"

"Whatever. Lets go to bed."

Everyone started laughing, and I rolled my eyes. I stood up.  "You guys are mean! I'm going to go home!"

"Nah." Niall said. "You can crash here if you want." He said smiling. 

"Yeah." Liam said. "So can you Em." He winked at her and I could just see her melt. I rolled my eyes, because Liam is flirting with my best friend.

"I call the couch."

"Fine then." Zayn said smiling. "Emily can have the spare bedroom."

I did not see that coming.

+ + +

I drifted off to sleep easily, even though I knew everyone was around me, still talking about the kiss. I honestly thought it was amazing, but I didn't want to show it. If anything happens with Louis it will all go down hill. We live completly different lives. I bet he wouldnt last one week going through real life. But I bet I couldn't go through his either.

+ + +

I woke up to the dawn of soft footsteps creeping on the floor. I lookes up and saw a dark figure making its way to the kitchen.

My heart started pumping. Who was it? I threw the covers off of my and started making my way over the the figure. I poked the soulder and he jumped in surprise turning around. I saw blonde.


"Shhh!" He said. "Liam can't know I'm out here?"


"Because he wants me to cut down on food." He placed his hands on his belly. "Man, I havent eated for four hours! I think I'm dieing."

"Calm down. I wont tell. If I get some food to." I said realizing I was hungry.

"Yeah. Follow me."

We headed into the bathroom (bathroom?!) and Niall opend a cabinet. In the cabinet there were chips, hotdogs, ice cream cones, and tons of chocolate bars.

"This isnt very heathy." I didn't even want to ask why this was all here.

"Its amazing." He said gathering it all up in his arms. "Its my life saviour."

"I think I'm going to go back to bed."

"No!" He said grabing my hand as I turned to leave. "Whos going to keep and eye on Liams door?" He looked frightend.

"Hes not that bad." I said laughing.

"Yes he is." Niall whisperd. "Once he carried me -I was asleep-  and six in the morning to go to a gym." He shook his head, discusted. "It was awful."

"Ah," I said sarcasticly. "Sounds awful. I don't know how you live with that."

He didn't notice the sarcassam. "I know right! I thought I was going to kill myself in the end."

"Its okay Nialler. Only for a few more years." He looked scared. "But yeah, I'll watch the door for you."

"Thanks your a life savor."

"I know."

+ + +

ten minutes later

leaning up against Liams door I was having trouble keep my eyes open. I was snougled up in a blanket, a pillow resting my head.

I drifted off thinking of butteflies.

+ + + 

Heeyyyyy.... Short chapter tonight. Sorry. Been busy and all that.

I just wanted to say you guys make me really happy (because of all the reads) 

Don't forget to vote comment, and fan!

P.S I'm in love with a guy who doesn't know my name.

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