Chapter 1: Sofia

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Camila grabbed her fourth beer of the night from one of the blue coolers that sat on the floor by her staircase. With both of her parents visiting another branch of their company for the weekend, she thought that it was the prime time to have a party. 

Camila's parents were the CEO's of Cabello Construction, which was one of the few multi-billion dollar companies stationed within Silverhall City. Because of their responsibilities to the company, they were rarely home. For Camila, this meant crazy parties with underage drinking and hundreds of people that she barely even knew. For Camila's little sister Sofia, this meant getting all the soda and candy she wanted without a bedtime. It had been a few weeks since the last party, so Camila made this one the biggest one yet.

As the clock struck midnight, the party began to reach its peak. People were getting tipsy, the music was getting louder, and several couples had relocated themselves to the beds upstairs. Camila danced on top of the coffee table along with her best friend Dinah, who happened to be the only person that she was close to at the party besides her little sister. Both girls jumped around with beer in their hands, growing dizzier with every moment that went by. 

"This is the best party yet, Mila!" Dinah shouted at her over the loud music that had been blowing out their ear drums for the past few hours. 

All Camila could do was smile at the thought of having redeemed herself at the party animal that people have come to know her as. But being a party animal didn't change the fact that she was actually good with keeping up with her responsibilities. Every hour, she'd check up on her little sister to see if she was staying put in her room like she was supposed to. 

Sofia was the most important person in the world to Camila. She gave Camila a reason to live, and she was a reminder that there were still beautiful things in the world that are left untouched by their damaged planet. Sofia kept Camila sane and helped her balance out the good and bad things in her life. 

Camila motioned to Dinah that she had to get upstairs to check on her sister, and Dinah nodded to confirm that she understood. After carefully climbing down from the coffee table, Camila wobbled her way over to the staircase. Just before she started to ascend the stairs, she was stalled and caught off guard by someone putting their hand on her shoulder. When she turned around, she came face-to-face with a green-eyed male who dressed in all black.

"Where are you going, party princess?" He asked her jokingly.

She gave a small laugh and replied, "Just going to check on my sister, Harry. I didn't even know you were here."

He laughed, taking another sip of alcohol. "Well it is nearly impossible to find anyone in this place. I can't even find my own friends that I came here with. I'd say this is your best party yet, Karla."

"It's Camila. I don't go by my first name. You know that." She said sternly.

"Okay, Karla. Now can I talk to you about something real quick?" He asked with a sweet smile, which was usually a sign that he wanted something.

Camila sighed and replied with a tone of annoyance, "For the last time, Harry, I'm not interested in recreating whatever relationship we've already lost."

He scoffed and shook his head at her words. "No, no, no. It's not about that, Karla. I'm interested in Dinah."

"Hah!" Camila exclaimed at his not-too-shocking reveal. "Like I'd let you be anything more than an acquaintance to my best friend!"

"Please, Karla! Don't make me beg, I've actually liked her for a while." He said back with a hint of genuineness in his voice.

She let out a sarcastic laugh, not buying what he had to say as usual. "Don't take this the wrong way, Harry... On second though, go ahead. But, you're a playboy billionaire who doesn't possess the ability to maintain a healthy relationship. Sorry, but I don't think Dinah needs a man in her life who would rather spend Christmas with one of Hugh Hefner's girls than her." 

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