|| Chapter 5 ||

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Okay, first off, a huge thanks to Quinniplier and ShellySMiles8 for the ideas (and everybody else that added on)! Now, I have a question. I asked this on Gamer Baby, but I'll ask it here, too...

What if I were to make something like Reading Your Comments....but in book form?

So I couldn't do like dares or anything unless they were writing dares, but you know, it could still be fun.

Idk. Let me know!

Oh, and this one is kinda short, but future updates will be longer. Promise

Onto the fic!


"Oh my god," Shawn sighed over the phone. Even without being able to see her, you knew she was running a hand through her hair. "You're hopeless."

"Hey..." You whined, tipping over the back of your couch and grunting as you bounced. "You didn't see him. You wouldn't understand."

"What the hell are you saying? I was at the con too, remember? Of course I saw him, and you, and him giving you goo-goo eyes, and you giving him goo-goo eyes..." Shawn trailed off, slamming her fridge with enough force, you could hear it on your end of the call. You sighed and watched the upside down rerun of some murder investigation show as you interrupted her.

"Excuse you sir, I do not give fans goo-goo eyes."

"Correction: You DIDN'T." Before you could defend your honor and insist that you weren't interested in Mark, Shawn added, "Weren't you calling me so I could talk you into seeing him again?"

"I don't know!" You cried out to your empty apartment. "Should I be this interested in a fan? Is it wrong to want to maybe possibly get romantically involved with this person? Why am I acting like I never left high school? Help!"

It was silent for a minute or two, and in those moments you were afraid to breathe. On Shawn's end, you heard her spray whipped cream into her mouth and groaned. "Well," She started after thinking- or after eating enough whipped cream to satisfy her, who knows- "Don't delve headfirst into romance. Maybe just try to get him out of that whole 'squealing every time he sees you' phase, then spend time with him. The real him. If love happens, it happens."

"Yeah...I guess that is a good idea..." You admitted, still staring at the television.

"Listen, I gotta record some shit, okay? Just, remember that if you're a normal person like your fans, than your fans are normal people like you."

"Um, who said I was normal?" You asked, faux offended. Shawn giggled.

"Whatever, loser, you knew what I meant. Just pay him a visit, he'll love it," She suggested.

"Okay. Bye," You told her, then shut off your phone and dropped it on the ground. The silence of the apartment slowly fell over you, and you shivered. "Well, time to make a fan's day," You informed your house, trying to replace the quiet.

You nearly facepalmed the moment you walked through the door to the coffee shop. One thing you didn't take account for was his shift. As it turned out, the man in question wasn't at the counter today, or in the shop at all. However, you did notice the man with the glasses was there, so you approached him with a smile.

"Hello, can I help you?" He asked, glancing up only after he finished talking. Once it registered who you were, he smirked. "Oh, man, Mark's gonna die when I tell him he wasn't here for this."

You chuckled awkwardly, trying to figure out a way to say hey, mind telling your friend I wanna set up a casual platonic relationship with him that I can use for leverage to actually date him? without sounding weird. No way came to mind, so you swallowed that thought and tried to come up with something to order. However, your cluttered thoughts made it more difficult than you expected.

"Anyway, can I help you?" The man asked politely. You just smiled and order your usual coffee.

"So, um..." you trailed off as he reached for a cup. "I was, um, I was wondering if you could relay a message for me."

This caught the man's attention. He raised his head slightly, watching you. "To whom might I be giving this message to?" He asked. Your eyes flew to his name tag, then back to his face.

"Well, Bob, from the one time I've been here, and from your little comment earlier, I understand you're friends with somebody named Mark, yes?"

He grinned. "I know someone by that name. What do you want me to tell him?"

"Well, um..." You looked up at his knowing smirk and cringed. This was a lot more awkward than you expected. Your mind blanked on what kind of thing you'd want Bob to tell Mark instead of you. "Actually, you know what? Just...forget I said anything."

Bob raised an eyebrow, but slid your cup over and took the money you gave him. You dumped your change into the tip jar and turned around. "Hey, uh...miss?" Bob said, not wanting to say your name in case any fans were nearby.

You turned. "Yeah?"

"He works the rest of the week," Bob answered with a sly smile. Before you continued on your way, you nodded and hoped you could hide the goofy grin on your face.

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