LONDON Chapter 10 - Shaken Not Stirred

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DESTINATION Dukes Bar on St James Place, London

INSPIRATION Matthew Rhys of “Brothers & Sisters” gave me clear direction on what I MUST DO in London—which turns out to involve a very stiff drink and, as Moneypenny would say, “a cunning linguist.” 

Finding Dukes Bar on my last day in London became my very own James Bond mission. After being dropped at two wrong hotels and given a slew of bad directions from locals, I found myself taking a deep breath as I walked up to the unmarked spot at the end of a residential street. Please be the place. I was 45 minutes late and in panic mode. Fortunately Angie Panicki has one thing going for her—she makes friends fast. Probably because we are at our most honest when we’re feeling completely off-kilter. 

Or is that just me?

Oversized armoire chairs sat just inside the entrance, and a small, intimate bar was just to the right. As I walked toward it, I felt like I was in the living room of a charming castle. Down past the bar I spotted a boyishly handsome, dark-haired man in a suit who I desperately hoped was the “friend” my brother had sent me to meet—particularly since there wasn’t anyone else in the bar under 60. 

As I walked up, he gave me a big, gorgeous grin, setting down his martini to jump up and pull me into a hug. It was as if he was my own brother, and I immediately felt all the frustration of trying to get to the bar fade. And straight out of an episode of “I Love Lucy,” I couldn’t stop myself from diving right in, complete with blurting and blabbering, “Oh My God—You are not going to believe what happened to me!! Chris, no one knows where anything is in London, and trying to find you was a nightmare scavenger hunt with trick directions…and then there was the ‘fake’ St Dukes bathroom….”

Chris was laughing as he pulled me down into the comfy armchair across from him. The move didn’t stop me as I rattled on about the comedy of errors that ensued en route to our meeting. Mid-rambling, I came up for air just in time to throw a little blame his way. “But WAIT! You?! You didn’t confirm our drinks! 

We both laughed, realizing that I hadn’t even waited for a, “hello, nice to meet you” before I was calling him out like he really was my brother. Chris seemed entertained and possibly a bit overwhelmed.

“The bartenders thought I was lying about a girl coming to meet me!”

We laughed again 

“Well here we are, and I need a drink!”

I looked back toward the bar and took in the atmosphere. Dukes liquors up a sophisticated crowd. All the men were smoking cigars and wearing padded elbow jackets.

Our waiter, an adorable little 70-year-old, approached, as if on cue.

“Well, hello young lady! What can I get you? 

FROM Matthew Rhys

TO Angie Banicki

subject Re: Palms Place  Opening - LAS VEGAS INVITE 

Here’s the quick list...

Have a pint at the ‘Coach and  Horses’ Greek  Street, in Soho. It’s a bit of a dive and  soon to close. It was Peter O’Toole’s favourite pub  as well as Oliver Reed.  Very  famous with  the old  brigade of actors.

Around  the corner is Kettners  restaurant (very reasonable) - Oscar Wilde used to eat there.  Still retains old  school charm and  has a pianist and  great Champagne bar.

Stand on Waterloo bridge at night and  look  in both  directions. (Em- bankment tube station.  Green  line.)  Def do this one.

Go to Borough market on Sunday morning. (Check it’s open). It’s on the northern line  (underground). (The Black line). 

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