Textbooks and Testosterone

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HEY! YOU! GRACIOUS NARWHAL! If you've read my other story, 'Love and Hate' and are waiting for an update, I've been busy for a while. You see, I broke up with a Douche-Canoe recently, and I was having a tough time getting into a good writing mode, but a few weeks later, I met this awesome guy who ISN'T a douche canoe! And we're dating! So now I'm all happy and junk. So as a sincere apology for my selfishness relating to my non-updates, I started a new story for you people. The other one shall continue, Gracious Narwhals, so don't go spilling your Froot Loops or flipping your toast or ruining whatever the hell you eat when you're half asleep.

PLEASE REVIEW! Remember, more reviews means quicker updates. And saying "UPDATE!!" Doesn't count. Nice try, you deceptive, aquatic mammalian. ;)


"Today, class, you will be partnered up with someone to do your research on plant life. You will be observing a flower grow from a seed over the next two months," the teacher said aloud. The whole classroom groaned. "I will be assigning your partners," he said loudly.

Ciel was a Freshman at Kuro High. He was a bit of an outcast and hated the company of anyone but himself. The 14 year old was currently doodling in his Biology notebook, only hearing bits and pieces of what the teacher was saying. "...Phantomhive." Ciel jolted at hearing his surname. "W-what? Sorry, I wasn't listening," he said somewhat sheepishly.

"I said that you will be paired up with Michaelis," the teacher said with an irritated tone. Ciel huffed. He hated that kid. He'd never really met him, but from what he knew, the Junior was extremely quiet and cocky when he chose to open his mouth for a change.

He looked up when a shadow loomed over his paper. "What the hell do you want, Michaelis?" He snapped. The older student simply sat down next to Ciel. Said boy rolled his eyes at the silent Junior. "Fine. If you're not going to answer me, then here," he said, handing Michaelis a slip of paper with his cellphone number on it. "Text me so we can arrange a time to 'observe' the flower," he said before the bell rang.


Ciel plopped down on his bed and checked his cellphone. It had one new message. 'Its me.' He typed a reply. 'Michaelis?' It rang a few seconds later, indicating a new message. 'Yes. And call me Sebastian," it said. Ciel typed another message.

'You can stop by later if you want, so we can start the project.'

'Alright. I just need an address.'


Ciel was currently waiting in his living room for the Junior to arrive. It was already 8:00 PM, but he pretty much lived alone, seeing as his aunt was always out of town.

The boy wore a white tee shirt with a thin, dark blue cardigan. The fabric hugged his petite and slim frame, while the relatively tight long sleeves made his arms look long and thin.

A dark blue pair of skinny jeans and grey vans were also part if his everyday ensemble.

After a few minutes of reading, his doorbell rang. He got up to answer it and apethetically plopped onto the couch after swinging the door open for his lab partner. Sebastian slowly walked in and closed the door before sitting on the couch next to Ciel. He fiddled with the cuffs of his black leather jacket in awkward silence.

Ciel was the first to break the silence. "Did you bring a seed for the flower?" He asked.

Sebastian nodded and pulled a small package from his pocket and handed it to Ciel. The younger student read the package before looking at Sebastian. "Morning glory?" He asked.

Sebastian simply nodded. Ciel sighed and stood to walk into the kitchen and motioned for the junior to follow him. "Would you like some tea?" He asked, leaning against the counter. Sebastian curtly nodded once again. "What kind?" The freshman asked. The raven shrugged.

Ciel huffed and stomped over to Sebastian, who was leaning against the same counter a few feet away. "Do you ever talk?!" He snapped. The older student only looked at him.

"Look. You seriously need to start talking before I make you!"

Sebastian narrowed his eyes and stood in front of Ciel before placing both of his hands onto the counter on either side if him and leaned in, next to the boy's ear. The freshman blushed as his back was pressed into the counter because of the junior's closeness and his musky cologne.

Sebastian placed his lips so close to the younger's ear that they were almost touching the shell. "I would really like to see you try," he growled lowly. Ciel's face instantly grew bright red at the sensual voice and gulped. The warm breath against his cheek gave him butterflies and made him shiver in delight.

Ciel bashfully shoved th older man away. "Just tell me what kind you want," he said. The older male placed his hand on his chin in thought, "Earl Grey?" he asked. Ciel nodded.

When the tea was done, they walked back into the livingroom and Ciel got out his cell phone and placed it on his dock. "Can I play music?" he asked, looking over his shoulder. Sebastian shrugged casually. "Depends on what you listen to," he said.

Ciel cringed jokingly. "I'm not too sure you'd like my taste," he said. Sebastian inwardly praised the adorable face that Ciel made when he scrunched his nose cutely in doubt. He chuckled. "Try me," he said.

Ciel huffed and turned around to pick a song. 'Unbelievers' by Vampire Weekend started playing. the freshman silently admired the way Sebastian's lips pursed as he contemplated whether he liked the music. He noticed that the taller male's long arms were draped along the back of the couch, making the leather jacket crinkle around his broad shoulders. One of his ankles rested on his bent knee, black lace-up combat boots slightly more visible due to the matching boot-cut jeans riding up his ankles. The slightly tight black v-neck fitted his toned abdomen nicely.

Before he knew it, the song was over and Sebastian spoke. "Like what you see?" he chuckled teasingly with a wink. Ciel blushed and turned his head away. "Anyway," the older male said as he stood. "Not bad, although a little more optimistic than I'd expect from someone like you," he said, walking over to Ciel.

"Well, what do you listen to?" he asked with a slightly snippy tone. Sebastian leaned down to type in the title of a song in the search bar. He waked back to the couch and sat down when the guitar started playing.

Ciel listened to the strong bass and quick riffs of the guitar and didn't think too poorly of the music until a guttural, growling voice joined in. He scrunched his nose in distaste. "What the hell is this?" He asked exasperatedly. Sebastian laughed loudly at the younger's reaction. "I had a feeling you wouldn't like it. It's called 'We Take This Oath' by Killswitch Engage. You can change it back to your music."

The boy changed the music to a playlist and played 'Devil's Haircut' by Beck. He walked over to his backpack and carried it over to the couch before sitting down next to Sebastian. The elder watched as Ciel pulled out the instructions for the assignment from his biology binder.

As the boy read, he felt Sebastian take off his jacket and place it on the back of the couch. He blushed when he saw the raven rest his elbows on his knees with his chin cradled on top of his laced fists.

When they finished reading the instructions, they planted the seed into a small flower pot accordingly. Ciel looked at the clock. "It's already almost nine," he said quietly. sebastian raised a brow. "Oh. I suppose that's my invitation to leave, then," he said gathering his jacket and bookbag.

"wait!" Ciel blushed at the desperate tone in his voice when Sebastian turned around with a curious look on his face. "You...can uh- I mean if you want, um, stay the night, since it's kind of dark out and everything," he said sheepishly. Sebastian smiled. "that would be lovely."

"I have some spare night clothes that my older cousin left here if you want to borrow them, and there's an unopened toothbrush in the bathroom drawer. you can use my toothpaste," he said, walking down the hallway, Sebastian in tow.

He opened a hallway closet door and reached up to grab the spare night clothes, and felt a warm chest against his back when sebastian reached over his head to help him get the clothes down. "T-the bathroom's over there," he said pointing to the door across the hallway.

Sebastian changed into the loose black sleep pants and noticed that he forgot to grab the shirt as well. 'Oh well. I prefer to sleep shirtless, anyway,' he thought to himself.

After he brushed his teeth, he walked into the livingroom to see Ciel sitting on the couch in an over-sized dress shirt and baggy sweatpants with his knees pulled to his chest, his arms folded on top of them with his chin cradled between the sleeve-clad limbs, watching something on the television.

Sebastian sat next to him and rested his arm on the couch behind the huddled ball of Ciel. The boy looked over and blushed bright red when he saw the toned, unclothed chest just inches from him. "S-sorry. I didn't get you a shirt," he said. When he went to stand, a large hand placed itself on his chest and gently pushed him bach onto the couch.

"It's fine. I prefer to sleep this way, anyway," he said softly, just now realizing how close his face was to Ciel's.

He placed his large hand on the side of the younger's face and leaned in slightly before speaking. "Can I kiss you?" He asked breathily.

Ciel's face turned bright red before he gulped and nodded just barely. Sebastian leaned in and slowly placed his warm lips on top of Ciel's.

The boy's heart fluttered at the tingly feeling of Sebastian's lips pressed to his own. He gently wrapped his arms around the junior's neck and felt his stomach turn delightedly when the male started to part his lips and kiss him slowly.

Soft smacking sounds filled the room with every slow, unhurried kiss shared between them. When Ciel softly moaned into the kiss, Sebastian pulled the smaller male into his lap and placed his hands on Ciel's hips.

He prodded at Ciel's lips with his tongue and sighed in appreciation when he separated his lips.

Sebastian stood slowly and wrapped Ciel's legs around his abdomen before carrying the smaller male to the room Ciel addressed as his own bedroom.

He opened the door before walking in and closing it with his foot. He propped Ciel's small body against the door, his strong hands under small thighs for support.

Sebastian kissed his way down Ciel's cheek and jaw before getting to his neck and placing wet kisses and sucks to the slender throat, his head slowly moving forward and back with every sensual touch of his lips.

Ciel moaned and panted at the stimulation and felt himself being carried to his bed. When he felt the soft sheets under his body, he looked up into crimson orbs and knew that he was thinking the same thing:
They were both going to indulge in guilty pleasures that night.

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