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RULES RULES RULES! Yay...........
please follow em, I don't wanna ban anyone

•Stick to whats happened so far in the actual show, if you don't know what happens watch it first, then roleplay

•DO NOT GODMODDING! I get that basically no one dies..........*cough* I get that almost no one dies in the show, but still, no god modding, there is a chance of death

•If you want to kill a character, ask the roleplayer first, and you cannot kill people from the actual show

•Hate the character, not the roleplayer

•Put your favorite fruit as the password in forms

•Theres a chapter listing the characters from the show, if you want to roleplay as one of them, just go to that chapter and ask, you can only take one. Do not ask me to give you a role that is already taken, if the roleplayer hasn't roleplayed in like....a month? You may have a chance of getting the role

•If you roleplay as a character from the show and you dont roleplay for a month I'll take your role away

•Wait to be accepted before you start roleplaying

•Please don't make you weapon OP as heck, just limit what it can do, like make it a fusion of 2-3 weapons and not like a bajillion trillion death machines

•After you progress more as you roleplay, I'll assign teams first, an then you can proceed with initiation, just tell me when your at the initiation part

•Have fun! Follow the rules, but still have fun!

You will be given three chances if you break these rules, after the third chance you WILL be ignored, and you WILL NOT be able to roleplay

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