My Sunshine

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"Justin leave me alone" I whined laying down

"You knew for a fact that when you can over, I wasn't gonna leave you alone" justin bounced on the bed beside me

"Yea but I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my mom" I turned my face into the pillow

"Well maybe if you weren't so mean and disrespectful to people, you wouldn't be here" justin told me

I leaned up and turned to look at him, "you can get disrespected by these hands" I laid back down

"Besides, if she wasn't always bitching at me and calling me names, I wouldn't be so mean"

Justin Laid beside me, cuddling up with my body. "I love you, you know that right?" He asked

"Yea" a small smile played upon my lips "I love you too"

Justin pressed his lips to mine, letting them linger, before pulling away.

"You are my sunshine" he smiled

"My only sunshine" I continued

"You make me happy"

"When skies are gray" I sang "you'll never know dear"

"How much I love you" justin pulled me closer "please dont-"

"Take my sunshine-"

"Away" he finished

Justin lightly pecked my nose, chuckling after.

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Just a little imagine I came up with at 5:46 in the morning. Ily guys so much

And if u find someone else saying "you can get disrespected by these hands" just know that i literally made that up talking about old people. So that's mine.

They can run this fade, thieves out here you know. Me and my fam caught one the other day, ripping off my visitation imagine.

Mine was better😂😊 anyway, ily guys bye

Justin Bieber Interracial Imagines IIWhere stories live. Discover now