I have wondered what Love is practically my entire life. Really. Only 17 years. You think after all this time I would have figured it out by now? I know people who claim they know what love is, some of them younger than me. I guess we are all just wandering, and wondering. I have been blessed to sort of figure it out for myself. Be warned this is only my opinion.
1. Watching a movie so many times in a row you get sick of it.
-You meet someone. You become immersed with them. You spend every second thinking about them. And because of this you grow tired of them and it all comes to an end.
2. Playing outside on a cloudy day knowing it might rain but still getting upset when in fact...it rains.
-Even when you know that you two are destined for failure, you stay. You enjoy what you have while you have it. You bask in their presence. In their ability to make you smile. Because you know that when the time comes you have to go inside and leave them behind.
3. That odd feeling you get when you hit your funny bone. You hate it, yet it is pretty cool.
-You see them smiling and you get a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. Yeah. Cool right? You hate that feeling yet it reminds you of something. It reminds you that not everything lasts forever. Not everything.
I guess it’s kind of funny. “Love” because everyone has a different opinion about it. Yet everybody has felt it at some point in their life. We all go around wanting it. Wanting that feeling that somebody loves us. Or that we love somebody. We ache for it and we breathe for it. Some of us never believing that we have found it. That it has not been felt for us.
Love is a very secret overused emotion.
It is said too many times in a row.
It isn’t said enough.
It is used as a weapon.
Used to gain respect and power.
Everyone wants it but when they have it they wish it to go away and when its gone they miss it all over again.
Some people don’t know they are in love.
Some people never say the word in their entire life.
Because “Love” is so complicated, just like life.
I guess all we need to do is just
Let go.