The birthday issue?

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I wake up in a cold cell as I'm swaying sideways. Where am I suppose to be in? What happened over at the beach? My stomach still hurts. Wait.....AM I ALONE?! Oh nonononononononono I hope I'm not alone. I dont wanna be r-

"Ugh, my head", my thoughts got interrupted as I looked ahead of me to see Lucia sitting on a cell on the opposite side of the room.

"Lucia! Oh man, I thought I was gonna be al-", I exclaimed when Lucia interrupted me with a shush.

"Linda, keep your voice down. We have no idea who kidnapped or why. If they know we are already awake, who knows what they'll do to us." Lucia explained in a hushed voice.

"Oh okay, sorry" , I apologize as I leaned my back on the wooden wall.


I heard a clanking sound close by. I look on my right to see a small black box next to the metal cell. I looked up at Lucia and she looked back.

"Go ahead. It's yours. Happy Birthday, Linda", Lucia gleamed as she turned her body to face me.

"Oh! I completely forgot about my birthday.", I chuckled as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's okay. Open the present before they arrive", Lucia looked at me as I reached in to grab my present.

I nodded and opened my present to reveal a silver bracelet with a light blue gemstone and a cloud next to the gemstone. I smiled and put on the bracelet," I love it. Thank you so much"

Lucia smiled back and leaned on her wall," I just wanted you to have a nice birthday. The villagers over at Jan Village wanted to throw you a birthday party."

I turned red," Eh? Really? Man, those villagers sure are cheeky"

Lucia laughed," Sure but not to mention that you did capture so many hearts there too~ That's why they wanted to make the party"

My cheeks turned lightly pink," Eh? Stop lying to me, Lucia. That's not funny." I slightly pouted as I see Lucia lightly laughing.

"Ah, sorry Linda. Your reaction makes my day. Don't worry, they're just little kids." Lucia smiles and looks away," It seems now your birthday will end up being a huge pain cause we're now captured by who knows what." Her smile disappears when she finished her statement.

"Eh, it cannot be that bad, I mean maybe they'll let us go cause I don't think we've done anything wrong to anyone.", I looked down on my bracelet as I hear silence.


We both look up to see two grenen snakes with legs are walking towards us. The two snakes looked at me and Lucia and turned to me and opened my cell door.

"Come with ussssss and we will bring you with force.",one of the green snakes said to me, extending it's hand to me.

I quickly stole a look from Lucia and saw her nod. I nodded my head as I took the snake's hand. I got pulled up forcefully and handcuffed.

"SSSSSSilly girl, did you really think that we'll be nice to you?", the other snake smirked as his companion started pushing me to the door in front of me.

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