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Chapter 17

We were able to get through to the radio guys. And this time, we didn't sound like ghosts. When we figured out that they could hear us, we all cried. We even got both Nova and Terry to show more emotion. We were able to quickly explain six of us left that we knew of. They were able to pinpoint our location and said that they were sending a rescue team our way.

"When are they going to come?" Olivia looking up at the sky. Although I don't feel my completely myself, I'm waiting with everyone else. The boys have been taking fallen down trees and trying to spell out the word "here."

"Patience. They'll be here soon." Ronald plops down besides her and grabs her hand, giving it a small squeeze. They would be adorable if Ronald wasn't such an idiot.

So...this is really ending. It doesn't feel like it. It feels like this is never going to end. That we'll be stranded here forever. I look out at the ocean in deep thought. All I keep thinking about is the very beginning. How I first met Drake on the plane. How he saved me. Baby David and everything else that we went through. How we've survived somehow. How we lost so many people.

"Miranda?" I look up at Drake. He's sweaty from moving things around and I pat the sand next to me. He sinks down into the sand.

"Ready to go home?" He leans on me. His sweaty forehead doesn't even phase me anymore.

"God, yes." I whisper out. "Never thought that I'd miss my crazy parents so much. How about you? You ready?"

"Yes, and no."

I look at him in slight shock. I wasn't expecting to hear that answer from him.


"Well you see, I do want to go home and see my family, but I also just want to stay here forever...with you."

I roll my eyes away to avoid looking at him. Leave Drake to make getting stranded sound romantic. "Oh." I mumble. He puts his index finger under my chin and makes me look at him.

"I'm not kidding."

I scoff at him, continuing to avoid eye contact.

"Miranda, we won't get to do this when we get back to the real world. It's going to be like Romeo and Juliet. You know our fathers hate each other. Their companies are brutal against each other. It's like the Chicago Cubs vs St. Louis Cardinals."

I nod my head a little, deciding to ignore his lame baseball reference.

"Drake-" I start, but then Alice comes running toward me. She collides into me and I'm too weak to hold us both up. Drake helps ups both sit up and I shake the sand out of my hair.

"I'm so scared." She whispers. I look Drake. He shrugs his shoulders. Well, he's helpful.

"Why? It's fine. We're finally leaving this place." I pat the top of her head gently.

"I have no one." Her voice was hoarse and tears were falling from her cheeks, dropping to the warm sand. I look at Drake again and see the sorrow for Alice in his eyes. I'm sure my eyes held the same look. I think we both get how she feels. Money isn't everything in this world.

"Oh, Alice." I say, my voice low and quivering. I could feel the water works coming.

"My dad went to the station to look for me, but he hasn't actually talked to me in years. I really just want my mom." She whimpers out and I bite my bottom lip. Drake wraps his arms around the both of us and the three of us sit in silence for the longest time.

Then a thought hits me. "Alice...why don't-why don't you come live with me? My dad won't mind, I'm sure. And if we ever went to see mom, she wouldn't mind at all." I offer.

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