A Tale of a Half Enderman

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This story starts with me introducing myself. I go by many names, which you will find out later, but for now you can call me blackout4. I am righting this book, because some rather "interesting" people, that you will meet later, that after hearing my story, wanted me to right this book. So here I am. I am part human, part Enderman. Some would call it a curse, I have at times, but others would call it a blessing, I also have at times.

As I wonder through the woods, I hear strange noises.... I noticed that a few Endermen where following me ever sense I left Kayran, a pretty little town, off the coast of The Great Sea. I was supposed to meet one of my old friends on the other side of the Plarian Woods. As I walked, my mind began to wander, I was trying to remember what she looked like, I remembered that her name was Cliffstan. That was about it. I haven't seen her in almost 10 years, it was not my fault. Suddenly, one of the Endermen that was following me stood right in front of me. I looked down to try to not anger him.

"What are YOU doing?," he asked with a hiss of disappointment.

"What does it look like? I'm going to Clatsital to meet up with an old friend," I replied harshly.

The Enderman scowled, "I suppose if I told you that your f-frrrriend," he said the word like it was a forbidden concept, "was dead, you would be very mad, and come with me?"

"With my dyeing breath," I whispered under my current breath.

"What did you say?," the Enderman asked suspiciously.

"Fine," I muttered.

"Good," the Enderman looked quite pleased with himself for convincing me to come.

He then grabbed my arm, and pulled me into the void. He pulled me through a rift in time and space, and we where in the end. I felt quite dizzy, like I had just taken a blow to the head, more than one for that matter, the last thing I remember seeing was a giant obsidian tower with a dragon standing on it.


Well that is my first chapter of my first story, so ya.... It is really short....

A Tale of a Half EndermanWhere stories live. Discover now