Chapter 4

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"Eliza," I hear the elderly woman call out for her daughter. Her beautiful American daughter. Eliza's eyes are still closed and the rays of the sun shine upon her olive skin. The elderly woman calls again and opens the room I was sleeping in. Our eyes meet and she seems surprised I've got her daughter in my arms.
Eliza awakes and her big stunning eyes are on her mother, her cheeks go from pale to rose.
"Oh, I see you had some company my daughter. I'll leave you two alone, I hope you didn't get up to naughty things--"
"Mother!" She yells at her mother in complete embarrassment. I can't stifle my soft giggle and so can't the mother of the American beauty. She exits the room and closes the door behind her.
"What an awkward way to start my morning. Usually, I wake up from a horrific dream and my pillow would be drenched with my sweat but I've enjoyed my eight hour sleep, did you?" I ask in my husky morning voice as I pull my long hair into a neat ponytail. She nods shyly and rises to look me in the eye as she says, "I surely enjoyed my sleep. You held me tight under the woven blankets mother made." I feel my cheeks warm up as I show off how flattered I am until that ungrateful American yells,
"Eliza! Bring me my morning cigar and tea!" This automatic reaction of rolling my eyes is a habit. If I lived in a home and had so much wealth, I'd be thankful for all my employees and parents for blessing me with such.
Eliza rises from the blankets and rushes into the mansion. While she's gone, I decide to clean up and her mother is sitting down. Looking at me folding the blankets. Her chuckle makes me frown and I glance at her before I ask,
"I don't want to seem rude but why the chuckle and pleasant smile?" Her smile is contagious, I'm currently smiling with her now.
She shakes her head and chuckles once more, "You seemed very peaceful while you were sleeping next to Eliza and very rested. Haven't slept like that for a while, have you?" I agree, I've never slept without worrying. The thought of someone who's about to kill me, goes through my head every second I close my eyes. Last night, I felt safe even when I had my arms wrapped around Eliza. Such a beautiful flower she is.
"Very much so, madam. Slept like a wealthy man who owns many barns, which isn't very common," I stack the blankets up the shelves and fix my hair. Then I notice that I'm shirtless...
How embarrassing.
"Don't worry young man, I'm no pervert. My heart still belongs to my deceased husband but I must say, you've got such a nicely built figure."
She stands up and hobbles towards me, taking the left over blankets from my hands.


"I'm not trying to insult your old fashion way of murdering someone but now that we've got guns, it's more easier. Same combat, same strategy just some new weapons," Connor just tells me what to do. He's never been in my life till now but now he's telling me what to do. Ah, what's the point, he's been an assassin since he was thirteen.

"Hand me the roulette." I scold. Denzel hands me the gun and squeezes my shoulders before planting them with kisses. With one hand, I aim towards the head of the makeshift dummy Connor made and as I pull the trigger, the bullet pierced right through its chest.
My wicked smile is displayed as I toss the gun to Connor.
"Teacher just got schooled by the student." He rolls his eyes at me and aims at the other dummies but standing in the same position. With one eye closed, he shots the rest of the dummies directly in the middle of the head. Making all the stuffing pop out. After placing the roulette where it belongs, he smacks his lips,
"I don't think so, rookie."


"What amazes me is that you're not just a combat boy, you can use guns too. Very useful if you were to join the force but you'd be the only dark one there and instead of using you to win the war, they'd murder you." Eliza hands me a small plate with scones that have jam inside. Last time I ate this was back in London. Well, father brought them home from his 'meeting'.
Once I sink my teeth into it, my mouth is in absolute bliss. Tastes fresh and sweet.
"Something worries me, is that Loretta knows nothing about combat. As a basic...worker, hand-to-hand combat is as important as using weapons." Eliza giggles softly at me.
"You've got some jam on your lips," she murmurs. I try to lick it off but she comes along with a napkin and wipes it off. Looking up into her eyes, I feel hypnotized. Gray with a mixture of blue and green.
"Your eyes, so beautiful." I say aloud, not even paying attention that my mouth is moving. She blushes and sits on my lap. I'm shocked but manage to smile at her.
"I'd say the same about your long charcoal hair and beautiful dark skin," she strokes my hair then giggles, "May I wash it?" What an odd request, yet I accept with a uncertain nod.

Eliza leads me to a lake that's near the cottage she stays in. She holds a small basket that has small bottles of ointments and cloths. I've got towels under my arm and the hairband grandmother gave me a few days back.
She gently puts down the basket and waits for me to place the towels.
"Alright Kenway, shirt off." Eliza has her hands on her waist and looks at me. I waste no time. Strip out of the old polyester shirt I stole.
"So, should I just stand?"  She shakes her head and pulls me into an embrace, "No. I just want to get your scruffy hair clean then maybe bathe with you here. Sounds like a plan?"
I wrap my arms around her tiny waist and hoist her up. Her majestic eyes meet mine. My lips crave hers and with no further or due, I kiss them.

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