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Frank's POV
Dammit! Dammit! How the police find us, ahh shit And I left Isabella laying there in the floor and she's pass out. I have no time to get her because the police is already in the house, I need to run. I will get her back and I won't let them take her away from me and she will be mine no matter happen she's mine.

After one week...
Isabella's POV
I slowly open my eyes and look up in the ceiling, then I turn my head saw a monitor that I can see my heart beat. My eyes wide when I realize I'm in the hospital because of the needle atouch me.
I look back and forth, I can't believe it I'm in the hospital, I sit up carefully but my body is in pain I feel my body is all in pain.  Then I suddenly someone came to the room.


Oh my god Gerard is here. He immediately came close to me and hug me, because I see to his face that he can't believe that I'm here still in one piece.

" oh thank god your awake " he said still hugging me, I ignore that pain of my body, but I don't care I just want him to hug me more.

He let go and hold my cheek with his soft palm and start to kiss me with a passionate

He pulled the kiss and breath easy " I'm very sorry I didnt't protect you I'm sorry" he said over and over again

" Gerard how I -" I was cut off when Alex and kyla came to the room with Mikey and Ray

" BELLA !! " they say it at the same time

" oh thank god your awake " Alex said

They both hug me and I hissed to the pain but I don't care I just want to hug them like I did to Gerard when he hug me

" how I get here?" I finally ask

" the police track your location using the number of Frank,  they find out that you and Frank are not far from here so they immediately do the action and rescue you, but the bad is that Frank hasn't found yet and we don't know where is he right now " Ray explain I thought that I was save but its not, because Frank is still out there and I know he will keep looking to me and take me again and feel all the fucking pain that I had been through I don't want that to happen.

" Bella were going to Jail " Mikey interrupt me in my thought

" what?" I ask

" were going to jail because of what did in the arena and for kidnapping you"  Gerard explain

" No you cannot go to jail Gee its not your fault why you did it, its all Frank Idea right not yours" I said tearing up

" shhh don't cry its gonna be ok I promise but we need to go because that the court that were guilty. I just only talk to the police that if we save you and rescue you and that we gonna go " he explain

No he can't do this to me, he cannot go to jail he didn't do anything. Why this thing need to  happen.

Gerard hug me tightly. I rested to his chest and start sobbing

" pls Bella don't cry it's ok its only two years in prison and I promise you that I will wait for you and I know you will wait for me " I nodded

" what about Frank?" Kyla ask

" the police is starting to look for him and I know that the police will find him" Gerard explain

Alex is hugging Mikey and start crying too because I know that Mikey are going to jail too and Same with Kyla, she crying too and Ray stand and start hugging her

" shhh it's gonna be ok" Ray said out loud

Another week.
I'm still in the hospital resting. The police give Gerard, Mikey and Ray for a four week to stay  here in the hospital before they go to jail. Gerard want to see that I'm ok and my fracture, bruises and scratches are heal.

Gerard came and his smiling big like there's a good news

" Frank, they found Frank" he said

" Really they found him"

He nodded and I start hugging me. Finally Frank got capture and his going to jail forever. But Gee, Mikey, and Ray they only have two year to jail so I can wait for him.

" the police said that they will put him in mental hospital because they said that Frank is insane and he can't stop, saying and yelling your name. And he keep laughing and talking to himself."

I don't know what to say but the important is that Frank got capture and he will be in jail I don't care is his going to mental hospital it still a jail or prisoner and I know he will not be better and he will die there.

End of the four week of resting in the hospital
Gee and the other are in the jail. I was out in the hospital for a couple of hours ago now I'm gonna see my family and my brother... God I miss them so much.

The police give us a ride way home with kyla and Alex. For now I this k what happen to Liz she didn't show up or do anything to see her. But kyla said that she only left her in the front of her apartment and don't talk then.

Kyla and Alex jump out in the car way to there house and I'm the only one left in the car. I was nervous because this is the first time that I'm gonna see my family again.

The police jump out first and knock to our door, I was in the car waiting for the police signal that I can come out but there's no respond yet.

The door open. My eyes tear up when I saw my mother talking to the officer. She look to the car and saw me. I didn't wait for the officer signal. I open the car door and stand for a few second. My mother tear and call my dad


I was crying then my mom run to me and immediately hug me to her arm. My dad run outside, don't k ow what is happening, then he saw me, he run to us and hug me tightly ,then my brother standing there in the door crying, my dad let go to the hug and walk to my brother and start hugging him.

They all happy that I'm back adopts been a months that they didn't see me. Now I'm home with my family.

A/N : I have problem in net. So I'm very sorry if I didn't update this so I'm very sorry

Like I said I deserved that you hate me.

So for this I still think I will continued this shit ok

Bye for now

Sorry for the wrong grammar

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