Ace of the Diamond follows the protagonist Sawamura Eijun on his journey to become the ace of his baseball team. When the story begins he is recovering from a devastating defeat in the last baseball game of his middle school career. However, after seeing his peculiar way of pitching, a scout from Seido, a prestigious baseball academy, Eijun is invited to the high school on a scholarship. Though he resisted at first, Eijun decides to go to the school. At Seido, Eijun strives to become the ace, meeting many peculiar people along the way as well as meeting many amazing players.Media/ Format:
Ace of the Diamond is both an anime and a manga.
Sawamura Eijun- The protagonist of the story who is known for being loud and obnoxious, often unintentionally, and has, "the heart of an ace" according to the woman who scouted him. He is often very determined and straight forward though some may call him stupid. He wants to play at nationals as the ace of Seido in order represent his old middle school team, as well as his new one at Seido. Number 18 in the Anime, he plays Pitcher and though he cannot bat he has a mysterious knack for bunting.Eijun in the Manga:
Eijun in the Anime (left)
Kaminato Haruichi- A batting prodigy with a small frame who befriends Eijun. He is known for his shyness and how often he blushes as well as his great batting ability. He is third year Kaminato Ryosuke's younger brother. Often times Haruichi is striving to be like his brother though the anime and manga have mentioned that in terms of talent, he may surpass his older brother. His position is second baseman. He is number 19.Haruichi in the Manga (being examined by Eijun after he unexpectedly cut his hair):
My Top Sports Anime/ Manga
General FictionWell so basically... I am like a sports anime stan. Yeah IKR of all genres of anime. Anyway, I freaking LOVE the anime and manga I will put in this. Yeah basically this is just gonna be me messing around. But tbh I'd really recommend you take a look...