Talk To Me.

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You see, if you fight me, it'll work out for you, but only for around five minutes. It'll just repeat itself until we're both dead. You won't get time to relax, play video games or eat burritos. You won't be able to deal with it.

But if you join me, I'm afraid the same thing will happen. We will have our own enemies and allies, but you'll have to fight your own brothers. Modern warfare is based on this idea. It won't end because there will always be something that at least one person hates the thought of. If you think you can change that, you're even more stupid than I thought.

Even your brother, the master of all Aittar, cannot save you now. That one survivor of that Cobalt Cult, yeah he's dead now too. All because you were too selfish to be a pacifist. You wouldn't even let me kill you to teach your brothers a lesson. Kill me completely and a new enemy will disagree with you. Guess what? That same cycle continues UNTIL YOU DIE. Even then, a new hero might appear and try to stop me. Wate won't stop making machines to stop me, that's undeniable.

But let's face it, you're not listening. You'll try and kill me, and continue the cycle until you eventually use up all of the terabytes on that system of yours. Let's see if Aittar helps you then.

So what do you think, comments section? Would you fight him? This is a speech to be used in a game me and a few friends are creating called "Techbalt". Please buy it if this speech interested you! -Kix

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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