5- The painful past

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Eren thought that Levi was crying
Because he didn't win so he started his damn bullshit and laughing. He said:
"Oh my love Levi Hahaha my loser with baby face crying. Ok I forgive you for that thing don't try it or intend to do so again".

In that moment, Yeager became bewildered. He turned his face suddenly, saw Mikasa his little heart was crying too. He was really bewildered now and thought if it's a curse of crying.
So his face turned to a serious situation and said to Levi:
"Since that day...when I saw her next to my father... completely sad about losing her parents, crying so hard sniffing over and over again with her little nose , trying To stop her tears To hide her sadness her weakness , that time she was completely a mess .. yet I fell in love with her ...in her cute , strong and kind personality ... we grew up together as siblings in front of society I didn't tell her that she's my lover because of the f*ckin' folks and society...she always help me to be alive , next to her, and I did so..." He turned to Mikasa:
"Yes, I .. I loved you for a long time ,I love you and I will always love you...I.."
_" sh. She said and her finger in his lips. I believe you and I love you more, where have you been along this time. I understand Eren but in presence of love we must break the rules and never mind of what the society say they don't know the big mening of those little four letters of LOVE."
_"I ...I..." Yeager about to say something but Levi interrupted him with anger and those tears:
"Just shut up. You, asshole. I didn't cry because I was loser, I cried because of memories , my painful past, I loved her too since that day when she was next to your father as my sister. Yes, I was there.
I ... I was there when my father killed her family and when you killed my dad to save her life.  I disowned him since that moment when i knew that he was a member of the gang, a killer, a terrorist... I always intended to save and help her, to forget her past and bad memories. I know I don't talk as much as I'm talking now cause my mind talk too much not my mouth.... I'm so sorry Mikasa I hide this story to keep your happiness your little smile and your kindness... I'm sorry okay you're right to not forgive me I hate him I hate my dad ...all these problems are because of him and who is always involved? Sure ,me who has been paying the price for his mistakes...till today."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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