P. 2

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It is now some many years in the future. 10? 12? I don't know, neither shall you. For some reason, the chemicals had something other added into the blend. Making aging a lot more slower, though the kid may be 17, 18, or 19. It is but 1989. The aging time slowed greatly, seeing that this story started in the early 1900's.

The now teen, walked down the dark street. It had Micky ears sewed onto its head, a black sleeveless jacket, the hood up, a blue-green like hair color, white skin, and black circles around the eyes, and a black smile around the mouth. Blue jean shorts, and black combat boots.

The teen hummed, and a little kid ran up to the teen.

"Hello! I like your headband!" It said meaning the mouse ears sewn on the teens head.

"Aw... What a sweet little child... Like my ears, huh?" The teen cooed, but had a bit of a haughty voice.

"Yes!" The kid replied with a nod. "My toy Micky got hurt, and maybe you could help it. He's been suffering." It held out a Micky plushy.

"No one knows..." The teens head jerked in a physically impossible way then quickly went back to normal. The kid didn't even notice.

"Real suffering is not known..." The teen said, then coughed.

"Come my dear, to my house so that I can help your dear friend." The two walked to the teens little house.

The teen sewed the plush together. The kid stood in the open doorway. "Close the door, dear. You're letting the cold air out..."

The kid shut the door. "T-thank you, m-ma'am. I have to g-go now." It said as it saw he yellow words on the walls.

Disney: the happiest place on Earth!

Real suffering is not known


Wanna see me take off my head???

The teen stood up. "Oh, I can't let you go... Don't you want to join me?"

"W-where? W-what am I joi..." The kid was cut off.

"TO DISNEY WORLD OF COURSE! THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EArth..." The teen said in an happily insane tone, but towards the end of te word "earth" the voice lowered to a dark and insane voice.

The kid titled its head. "D- Disney World...? J- just who are you?!" It screamed as it tried to open the door.

"Project SZ... And you're about to get a taste of real suffer... But first..." Project SZ held up its finger. "Do you want to see me take off my head?"

Before the poor horrified child could even breath, Project SZ dug its fingers into its throat. A yellow liquid poured out onto the ground. The kid saw past scars of Project SZ digging into its skin.

Project SZ snapped its head to the side, then to the other, the pulled back with a loud crack. Yellow liquid poured onto the ground. The kid screamed and ran to the widow, but Project SZ got hold of it first.

"Oh, we're going to have fun together! Us two in Disney's secret chamber! We can play so many games and ride all the rides! But first... I wanna take off your head..."

The kid started to cry. "Oh, you think that you have it bad now... Don't ya? Well... You're not even close to what real suffering is..."

Project SZ wrapped one arm around the kids stomach, then started to scratch at its neck. Blood oozed onto the ground, and chunks of flesh and muscle too.

"Now, I want you to complete this little process..." Project SZ put a mask onto the dying child. The mask looked somewhat like Micky. A gas was released inside the mask. The kid pulled and tugged at it, but it was clamped down.

The kid stopped struggling and started to dig at its neck. The blood slowly turned to yellow. Red blood started to ooze out of the masks eyes and mouth. Soon, the kid fell over.

"Want to see me take off my head...?" It asked and pulled its head sideways, popping it half way off. The kid rolled over and stared through the mask at Project SZ.

A group of scientists watched through a camera at the scene. "Project Suicide Zero AKA Project SZ is a failed test. We shall do further study on it."

Project SZ picked up the kid who was nearly inches from death.

"Welcome to Disney Land, friend!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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