* 1 week later *

"Aria , it's time to wake up , you are leaving in 1 hour" my mom yelled shaking me to get up. "Okay , okay I'm up I'm up" I said throwing my hands up in defence. I slid out of my bed and walked into my bathroom. I took a shower and brushed my teeth . I brushed and dried my hair and then got dressed into (above).

I grabbed my suitcase and walked down into the kitchen. I grabbed my favourite pop tarts and plopped them into the toaster. When they were finished I sat up on our island (a built in table in the middle of the kitchen) and scrolled through Instagram while munching on my pop tarts.

"Okay Aria lets go" my brother Matt called from the sitting room. "Coming" I replied clearing my plate and walking over to where I left my suitcase. I grabbed my suitcase and walked over to my mom standing beside the door as tears filled her eyes. "Aw mom please don't cry , you are going to make me cry" I said tearing up. "I'm sorry I just can't believe how much you have grown , it's like yesterday you learnt how to walk and now you are goin on tour" she said letting a few tears escaping her eyes. "Mom I'll see you I'm 3 months" I said hugging her. "Bye baby" her voice cracked as she hugged me tighter.

I turned and hugged my brother Matt and gave him a kiss on the cheek. " bye Matt , I wove you" I said in a baby voice while squeezing his cheeks. "Bye aria " he said laughing .

I walked out the door and waved goodbye to my Mom and my brother. I shoved my suitcase in the boot and started up the car. I drove out of the lot and beeped my horn at my family and drove on down the street. I was driving to the airport so I could fly to Dallas , which was our first stop for POMS .

I stopped the car outside my bestfriend Cali's house . I beeped the horn as she walked out the door stumbling while dragging her suitcase along . I let out a quick laugh and got out of the car to help her. "Hey , need some help" I said laughing . "Ah no it's good I ... I .... Got it" she said trying to lift suitcase into the boot. I walked over and took the suitcase out of her hand and shoved it into the boot . "Aha am I think maybe I just needed a little help" she said mumbling . I laughed and got back into the car.

We drove to the airport and parked my car . We walked inside with our suitcases on the trolley . We brought them into the drop off and went through the security. We walked over to our gate wich was 18 and sat down on our phones.

"Flight 290 to Dallas , Texas ready for departure" the man said on the speaker. "Cali that's our flight lets go". We walked over and waited in line for the women to scan our tickets. She finally scanned our tickets and we made our way onto the plane.

We both sat in our seats . Cali was at the window and I was in the middle. We were still waiting on who was going to sit beside me. About 5 minutes later a guy with brown hair and greenish eyes walked up mumbling "row 8 , oh here.... Omg Aria?" I looked up and noticed the boy was hunter . "Omg hunter" I stood up and hugged him so tight but not as tight as he hugged me.

I sat back down as hunter sat in beside me with Brandon , Ashton and his mom Christine across from him . "I didn't know you lived in Arizona" hunter said breaking the silence "I didn't know YOU lived in Arizona" I said smiling "cough" I could hear Cali in the background "oh sorry am hunter this is Cali , Cali this is hunter" "hey" hunter waved at Cali "hi" Cali smiled returning the wave.

Soon the plane took off and I plugged in my earphones as I slowly drifted off to sleep .

I was soon woken by hunter and Cali shaking me to get up " come on aria the plane has landed" Cali said shaking me even harder. "I'm up jeez" I said laughing while grabbing my phone and making my way off the plane.

We made it to the bag collection . I grabbed my bag and me and Cali made our way to the exit . "Bye Hunta I'll see you at the hotel" I said as I hugged him goodbye . Soon our über came and he dropped us off to the hotel .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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